Things to be thankful for – IOTW Report

Things to be thankful for

A beautiful First Lady. Finally. lol!
Yes, yes, I’m being catty. But after 8 years of Big Mike, well…

Seriously- Among all the things we here at iOTW Report are thankful for, we include our readers and lurkers on our list. We heart you guys!
Happy Thanksgiving!

42 Comments on Things to be thankful for

  1. I am deeply grateful for my family, my friends (especially my iOTW friends), and the country I live in. I am grateful that Donald Trump is president and not H-Rod, and that he has been successful at many of the goals he promised to work towards during his campaign and earlier.

    I am grateful that many Americans still believe in Jefferson’s right to the pursuit of happiness, even though so many leftists have perverted that into a pursuit of UNhappiness. It seems being unhappy makes them happy somehow.

  2. I’m thankful for my kids and that they are all happy.
    I’m thankful for being cancer free for one year.
    I’m thankful for a solid healthy economy compliments of President Trumps policies.
    I’m thankful for witty, sarcastic humor from IOTW members.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.

  3. I’m thankful to be here for another year to be able read all the great responses posted by IOTW’ers.

    I’m also thankful for President Trump & all the things he’s actually accomplished, having to fight PROGS & RINOS every step of the way.

    Here’s wishing everyone here & every Conservative in our great country a very great Thanksgiving Holiday.

  4. Thankful for my wife, dog and cat, family and friends. Thankful to know there are people out there that appreciate what has been built in America, and thankful for those that intend to preserve it.

  5. Even though I’m single I’m thankful for my children, 2 of who live here in Spokane and my oldest daughter in Nashville with her husband and 2 little girls who are in Padukah, Ky. celebrating Thanksgiving with her in laws. I am mostly thankful to God that after nearly 67 years I am still here even after my wife died nearly 7 years ago. And I’m thankful to have been born here in America when I was in the greatest country in the World and for everything that has happened in my life even the bad things which I have no control over. I’ve learned and experienced more grace thru suffering and sorrow than I would have otherwise and am a better man for it. Have a good Thanksgiving day everyone, it’s a great day to be alive and to feast on God’s bounty with my children and other relatives today.

  6. …I thank God that He sent His son to sacrifice Himself to save us, to be the only thing that makes us worthy of salvation.

    I thank Him for all that He’s done for me, all that He promises to do for me, and for the hope of an eternal life free of the slings and arrows of this sin-stained world, with His perfect justice and His mercy ruling all.

    I thank Him for the family I will have today surrounding a table with a bounty of excellent food that He gave me the strength to work to provide, for the beautiful wife He sent me to prepare it expertly for us, including her mother, my mother, my son who He’s done so much for, and for so many others in my life, even for my dogs, including my wife’s precious Chihuahua that is so old she’s blind now, and even her none-too-bright Bichon that is nevertheless fantastically loyal to both of them.

    I thank the Lord that I am a free man in what is STILL the best Nation on Earth, and that He saw fit to send us one last chance, one final reprieve, one more opportunity to save this Nation in the form of President Donald Trump, who will be numbered ad one of the greatest this Nation has ever known. In accordance with 1 Timothy 2, I will pray for him that he asks the Lord’s strength to keep he and his safe and continue to vex the murderous sworn enemies of God who are disguised as lawgivers. May he continue to overcome them in the name of Jesus for ALL our sakes, amen.

    I thank Him too for the skills He has granted me, for the ways He has led me to discover and enhance them, for the lives He has allowed me to save, for the work He has strengthened my hands and sharpened my mind for that I may put food on my table and keep my busiesses open and profitable so others can do the same. I was out in sin a long time and am still not worthy of Him, but I thank Him most of all that He brought me to an old-fashioned, tear-stained altar, forgave me my sins, set my feet on His path, and gave me His holy spirit to keep me in check, as well as the time to stumble and be corrected. I am still not worthy, but He continues in His mercy to hold my hand and guide me to Him, and that is the best blessing of all.

    I am not special in His sight, however, and I also do His bidding by using this day of thanks to remind all that, what he’s done for ME, he will do for YOU, and ALL His children. He wants us ALL with Him, and I for one look forward to that reunion with Him, and to finally meet amd know all of YOU.

    …and while there is so much ELSE I am thankful for, I will close with thanking Him for putting in in the heads of Big Fur Hat, MJA, Claudia, Dr. Tar, illustr8tor, Irony Curtain,Mr. Pinko, and the late Admin Girl to create this musfit community where we can talk to others of a like mind and know the WHOLE world is not gone to the Devil. I am grateful to them for all they do to make this happen, putting up with my silly stories, and letting us share faith in their house, for them and all my fellow iOTWorlders that have been too polite over the years to type TL:DNR at everything I post.

    My thanks to God, and to you all.

    God Bless,

  7. I’m thankful for everything in my life, starting with my wife and kids, family, friends etc. Thankful that we have a President Trump and not a President Hillary. Thankful I live in the greatest country in the world and not some woke cesspool. I am definitely thankful for IOTW as my go to #1 site for great news updates and fantastic commentary from all the wonderful folks here. I hope you all have a great day today!

  8. To my parents, may they both RIP. We were blessed as sons and daughters every year, and I am fortunate to have some great memories and lessons learned.

    And for my wife of 26 years and two boys, that I AM thankful for.

    Happy THANKSgiving to the gang here!

  9. I am grateful today for finally getting it right 12 years ago and marrying my awesomely intelligent and beautiful queen, the one great woman who I can’t stop staring at, can’t believe my dumb luck in meeting her in an airport, and who loves me even through all of my faults.
    I’m especially grateful that I never again have to traverse the dating minefield out there.
    I am also appreciative of a great career and for 2 sons who have their lives together, never got tattoos and never did time.

    Oh, and Balvenie 21 scotch.
    Nectar of the gods.

    Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
    Try the Balvenie. 👍

  10. Was thankful until I mistakenly went to the link…
    WDS NOVEMBER 28, 2019 AT 12:03 PM

    Hoping my stomach will recover by dinnertime.

    But seriously, echo the sentiments above and particularly thankful for my twins who would have burst the hearts with pride in their grandparents, great grandparents and great great grandparents were they around to see their accomplishments. Perhaps they’re watching…

  11. I’m thankful that nobody was killed in the chemical plant explosion down here yesterday. It’s bad! My father worked in that plant for forty years. It was known as Neches Butane Products Company back then. It provided my father a good living and enabled him to provide a good life for his family. That was very important to him as he lost his father when he was twelve and his mother struggled to raise her four children. The history of that plant is very interesting. It was built by the government during WWII to provide the chemicals necessary to produce synthetic rubber for the war effort as Japan had choked off all sources of natural rubber. It was guarded by soldiers carrying sub-machine guns because it was feared the Germans might sabotage the place. After the war, the government sold it and my dad went to work there in 1948. He was a shift worker the whole forty years. He valued his job because he valued his family. I followed his example and worked thirty-five years in the chemical industry, too. It was very good to me and allowed me to provide well for my family. It also allowed me to retire at fifty-nine. I’m thankful that I was able to provide for my family throughout the years. God has been good to me and I give Him thanks.

  12. I’m thankful for my family, especially my beautiful grandchildren.
    I’m thankful Donald J. Trump is our president and that we have an intelligent, happy, and beautiful First Lady.
    I’m thankful for the contributors and commenters here, who made the 0bama reign of terror bearable and rejoice with me that he’s gone–at least gone from the White House.
    You all are great company, make me laugh and make me think, and I am so glad I found this haven.
    Happy Thanksgiving! 😊❤️🍗

  13. I’m thankful for my and my wife’s good health and stable job situation.
    I’m also thankful that my kids have grown up to be responsible adults.
    I’m especially thankful for President Trump, who could have chosen the easy path for the rest of his life, but chose to fight for the America he believes in.
    PS – I LOVE typing “President Trump”.

  14. I am thankful for many many people and other matters, far too numerous to list. Not the least of those is this site and the commentariat here who give me such great exercise laughing and comfort in knowing “there are others”.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  15. When I woke up this morning, I knew God was not done with me. I recently was released from the hospital (3 months 8 operations), when I was bleeding out in the ICU and the nurses were working on me, I felt my ‘life energy’ leaving my body.

    I talked to God for a few seconds; was unconscious for 5 days. When I woke up, I saw my wife and daughter near me and knew God was not done with me. I am grateful for more time to continue to guide my daughter’s walk with Jesus and to help all of our hearts to learn to love Jesus more so that we can love each other better.

  16. I’m thankful that God blessed this country with Donald J. Trump. I seriously think there are few past presidents that can rival him. I honestly can’t think of ANY man, or woman, that could have stood as tall as he has against the constant onslaught of seditious, undermining crap that the Left has thrown at him, including the media. Especially when he doesn’t need to be in that office, the way typical politicians do.

    The man truly loves his country, and is willing to take all that abuse, for us. And I thank God for placing him there.

    Happy Thanksgiving to all!

  17. Some really thoughtful sentiments expressed here by the IOTW Family. Wish I could upvote them multiple times each! Very grateful for America, for being a descendant of early settlers of the Colonies and several Patriots of The Revolution, for being blessed with a wonderful family and the first grandchild soon to be born, President Donald J Trump- the greatest President of my lifetime, and most importantly, Jesus Christ my Savior. A very Happy Thanksgiving to all the IOTW Family!

  18. @Merry Poppet AMEN!

    It was DIVINE INTERVENTION I “stumbled” across this internet oasis during an exhausting day of sending out resumes during the early days of terror of the Obama Rëich. That’s the ONLY reason I can be thankful for regarding that Obama asshole. That and thankful that that Obama asshole gave us PRESIDENT Trump!

  19. I wish I could express my thankfulness as eloquently as most on this thread. Such wonderful words of gratitude. With that said, I’m very thankful for God’s grace and mercy, to know Christ as Savior and Lord. Thankful to be an American and live in the greatest nation on Earth. Overjoyed Mr. Trump is President of the United States of America – proof God is in control and loves this nation.

    Thankful for iOTWR – staff, faithful regulars and legends, lurkers, even some trolls (the truth seeking ones). BFH has done more for conservatism than he knows because of iOTWR.

    Thankful despite getting old, having health challenges, disappointments, regrets, I woke up this morning, a roof over my head, good food and conveniences that make things better. My life in general is excellent.

  20. To all the southern cousins, have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. Oh, if someone happens to be talking to ColoradO could you ask him to STOP SENDING THOSE DAMNED LOW PRESSURE STORMS UP HERE!!!!

  21. All great comments, I am thankful, other than family, friends, God and this country, that IS regaining it’s strength due a single persons’ attitude, and for finding IOTW and hanging out here with a bunch of witty SMART FUNNY knuckleheads!


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