Obama Privately Said He Would Speak Up to Stop Sanders – IOTW Report

Obama Privately Said He Would Speak Up to Stop Sanders


There’s a narrative in the media that in the Donald Trump-era, the right-wing has pushed the pedal to the floor, and moved further right than they ever have before.

Perhaps us on the right are more “right” in terms of how correct we are, but ideologically speaking, the Republican Party of today is almost identical to the party of Ronald Reagan. Research from both the Pew Research Center and The Economist has documented that the Democratic Party of today is further left than any time in the past forty years.

Even former President Barack Obama took notice, and recently urged Democrats to “chill out.” “The average American doesn’t think that we have to completely tear down the system and remake it. And I think it’s important for us not to lose sight of that” Obama told a crowd at the Democracy Alliance. In what some interpreted as a dig at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (though the comment could to countless individuals), Obama also warned Democrats against adopting “the same views that are reflected on certain, you know, left-leaning Twitter feeds or the activist wing of our party.”

If Obama was indeed speaking about AOC, he doesn’t have much affection for her political mentor either. As The Hill reported: MORE HERE

10 Comments on Obama Privately Said He Would Speak Up to Stop Sanders

  1. Only the “media” believe that what passes for the right wing (in public) is pushing any pedals anywhere. We in the hinterlands just want the “right-wing” politicians to move back TO the right from their left-wing/RINO positions.

  2. Feel the Burn 2.0 Take out.

    1.0 was when HRC took him OUT.

    The Bernie Bros’ and Gals are gonna be very upset with the Choomer in Chief.

    Cooking away here…turnip, yams, acorn squash…all with a bit of Honey Crisp apple. And some pomergrante preserve.

  3. @SNS – how bout YOU. What are ya up to?? This wonderful THANKSgiving Eve??

    Mrs. Glover went and bought, canned yams, that’s a no no, in my old world! If I was to buy jarred red Italian sauce THAT would be a no no in HER world! Went out to buy fresh root yams some for boiling and then baking.

    So here we are cooking both…types of yams. Makes me think of my mom, had the minor crew doing the hand held peeler…

    Having fun, relaxing. Tomorrow my ONE job in cooking, and I cook, is to cook the BROWN velvet gravy.

    I do it per my mom’s recipe, may she RIP.

    One of THE BEST nights of the year…


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