Putin Foe: Fusion GPS a Russian Agent – IOTW Report

Putin Foe: Fusion GPS a Russian Agent

DanBongino.com: Throughout the Spygate saga, one of the most suspicious “proofs” of collusion came from when Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya had her infamous “Trump Tower” meeting with Donald Trump Jr. While cited in the media as evidence of Russian collusion, Veselnitskaya was working with Fusion GPS at the time to defend the firm Prevezon, which had been accused of laundering money for the Russian government. Fusion, meanwhile, was funding and producing what would become the anti-Trump “Steele dossier.”

Could that meeting have been orchestrated simply to give the appearance of collusion? Veselnitskaya met with Fusion’s founder Glenn Simpson the day of, and day after the Trump Tower meeting. Simpson claims the two never discussed the meeting, but are we to really believe he was helping Steele “prove” Russian collusion while working with a Russian who just met with Trump’s son, and this meeting didn’t come up in conversation? read more

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