Have Democrats Already Lost White, Working-Class Voters? – IOTW Report

Have Democrats Already Lost White, Working-Class Voters?


Democrats continue to talk about reclaiming the vote of white, working-class voters, but the reality is they have already failed in that effort.

A poll released earlier this month from the New York Times and Siena College sends a depressing message to Democrats. In the six battleground states claimed by Trump in 2016 that gave him his Electoral College victory, his advantage has either remained steady or even increased.

Meanwhile, Democrats’ huge advantage with black and Latino voters has shrunk. You don’t need a Ph.D. in political science to know that those numbers add up to a Trump victory in the key states of Michigan, Pennsylvania North Carolina, Arizona, Florida, and Wisconsin. read more

15 Comments on Have Democrats Already Lost White, Working-Class Voters?

  1. Ya think? The white candidates literally apologize for being born white. Ain’t that some shit. If 3 woke boxes minimum aren’t checked on what makes identity, the democrats have abandoned.

  2. Have democrats “lost” white voters?

    Um. No. White voters were forcibly evicted from the party at the behest of one President barack insane obama. He hates whitey and doesn’t like stupid liberal whites who voted for him out of a false sense of white guilt, either.

    I am surprised that white liberals are able walk and breathe without devices to assist them

    These are mentally flawed people.

  3. What Americans need to do is to vote democrat so that violent criminals with tattoos covering their faces can cross our borders in order to rape and kill.

    That’s the platform of democrats.

    Or is the message to open up bathrooms and locker rooms of females to males?

    I honestly cannot decipher anything resembling intelligence from femocrats. Femocrats was an iPhone typo. I decided that it didn’t need correcting.

    I could rip on these morons for hours.

    But why bother?

  4. @MJA: They ARE better. Better at sports and better at beauty. Mike is one of the most beautiful people on Earth, and AOC parades out a beautiful freak of nature. Better at hygiene – Allowed in any bathroom. All around better – Tranny men will be the first to tell you they are better. Have you seen this freak with 16.7 MILLION subscribers? It is supremely better at errrything.

  5. Over a decade ago the Democrats announced that
    they were no longer seeking the votes of white
    middle class men and were going to concentrate
    on blacks, latino and women etc. votes
    They won on that with Obama.
    They havn’t “lost” us. They dumped us years ago
    and now they have to cash that rubber check.

  6. No. My liberal sisters and brothers will still pull the lever for a democrat, because, well, because. They do not think for themselves but watch Fake News all day long, so someone else can think for them.

  7. Yeah, but the dead-vote is always a sure thing for the demonrats. Their support never wavers. And there will be a massive voter registration drive and free rides to the polls for them next Nov.

  8. The best thing that could have happened for R’s is that NONE of the D’s candidates can GOTV; they are uninspiring. A lot of Bernie voters are older now and out in the workforce, and he doesn’t have the mojo he had 4 years ago. Liawatha is unappealing.

    They say “follow the money”, and, so, look at who is getting the campaign money; DJT, that’s who.


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