Super PAC gives up on Booker – IOTW Report

Super PAC gives up on Booker

(AP) — A super PAC formed to support Cory Booker’s Democratic presidential campaign is shutting down.

The group’s founder, San Francisco lawyer Steve Phillips, indicated in a news release Wednesday that Dream United had struggled to raise money. Booker, a New Jersey senator, has publicly disavowed support from super PACs, which aren’t required to disclose their donors publicly.

Phillips, a former college classmate of Booker’s, said that it became clear while trying to fundraise for Dream United “that the donor community is strictly adhering to Senator Booker’s publicly articulated wishes that he does not welcome independent support.” The group raised a little over $1.1 million during the first six months of the year, far short of Phillips’ stated $10 million goal.

9 Comments on Super PAC gives up on Booker

  1. Would love to know how much this effort actually cost Bookers buddy and whether any of the money was actually used to support the candidate. whether it was returned or whether it ended up being used for “adminstrative purposes”.

    @Answerman Cooper; No Bucks check didn’t bounce it’s just he couldn’t afford the amount of CrystalMeth that Booker could hit up without falling into a coma. That boy has staying power!

  2. Booger’s sorta like comic relief from the seriously deranged sociopathic psychotic ideological nihilistic totalitarians on the Demonrat A-List.
    Sanders isn’t even a member of the Demonrat party!
    Have the Demonrats perceived that? Or is this some kind of back-room merger?
    The rank-and-file morons don’t seem to understand.
    Why don’t the “socialists” have their own primary?

    And why aren’t the Republicans calling out the socialists for their treasonous (if they support something – anything – which is contrary to the circumscriptions of the Constitution and their Oath of Office, they are committing Treason) policies?
    Why are the Republicans pulling their punches and allowing these continuous attacks on the President and on America? Why are they laying around squeezing each others’ taints instead of fighting for America?

    Questions … questions …

    izlamo delenda est …

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