Evo Morales Demands to Vote in Re-Do of Bolivia Election He Rigged – IOTW Report

Evo Morales Demands to Vote in Re-Do of Bolivia Election He Rigged

He still has voting rights?

Breitbart: Former President of Bolivia Evo Morales, currently in self-imposed exile in Mexico, demanded on Tuesday to be allowed to vote in a presidential election made necessary by widespread election fraud under his administration.

Morales fled after the Organization of American States (OAS) revealed that Bolivia’s election commission diverted the vote count to a mystery private server as the tally between Morales and rival Carlos Mesa appeared close; the mystery server returned a landslide victory for Morales.

Morales’ presence on that ballot was already unconstitutional, as he was seeking an illegal fourth term. Morales strongarmed the nation’s constitutional court into ruling that term limits on any politician were a violation of “human rights” after the Bolivian people voted to keep term limits in a 2016 referendum. more here

4 Comments on Evo Morales Demands to Vote in Re-Do of Bolivia Election He Rigged

  1. well, to give him some credit … buying a ’60’s Beatle wig on Ebay does entitle you in Bolivia to demand that you be treated as someone who can trace their ancestry to the Federali’s that gunned down Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

    … so there’s that …

    hey! I’m not joking here … it’s true!


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