Joseph DiStefano: Long Before Hunter’s Ukraine Gig, Joe Biden Used ‘Legal Graft’ to Enrich His Family – IOTW Report

Joseph DiStefano: Long Before Hunter’s Ukraine Gig, Joe Biden Used ‘Legal Graft’ to Enrich His Family


Investigating the nature of Joe Biden’s and Hunter Biden’s business dealings in Ukraine — particularly with respect to energy company Burisma — is a legitimate endeavor, determined Joseph N. DiStefano, Philadelphia Inquirer staff writer and Nation columnist, offering his remarks in a Tuesday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and Joel Pollak.

DiStefano described a series of courtships from businesses targeting Joe Biden’s family members, drawing on his latest Nation column entitled, “Joe Biden’s Friends and Backers Come Out on Top—at the Expense of the Middle Class.”

Joe Biden has been a beneficiary of “legal graft” via the “Delaware Way,” DiStefano said — a term defined as “politicians doing favors for well-connected business owners in exchange for contributions after the fact.”

“We go where the facts lead, DiStefano said. “In the case of the Bidens, they’ve been leading for a very long time. If you go back to the early 1970s, ever since Joe Biden’s been elected to the Senate, there has been a pretty unremitting series of business transactions involving members of his family and companies that were interested for a large variety of reasons in getting access.”

DiStefano recalled, “[Joe Biden] himself complained — you might call it gaslighting, but he complained — that his brother at the age of 23 and his business partners were granted business loans by banks in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Delaware — loans that were not paid — to open a discotheque right up the road from Wilmington.”

DiStefano continued, “When it came time to pay those loans, the banks liened on Joe Biden, he complained to the Wilmington News Journal — that paper where I worked years ago — at that time, and ever since then it’s been just a series of his brothers and his sons doing business with folks who came to them because they were Bidens, because Joe Biden was initially on the Banking Committee and then a representative of the very powerful credit card banks that developed in Delaware, and eventually on the Judiciary Committee.” read more

9 Comments on Joseph DiStefano: Long Before Hunter’s Ukraine Gig, Joe Biden Used ‘Legal Graft’ to Enrich His Family

  1. “Him and thousands of others.”

    Actually: “Him and 538 others.”
    (435 House, 100 Senators, 3 Delegates)

    All the rest are subsidiary to these.
    Of course, the WH and Staff have their own opportunities for graft and corruption – depending on Party – (D) is OK – (R) is not.

    Most of the thefts and corruptions are perfectly legal – see Pelosi’s influences on tax bills and minimum wage bills that directly benfitted her husband – same with Waters and banking legislation – none of which is secret.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Joe with his continuous gaffes and other buffoonery is starting to look like Jackie Chan as a master of Chinese drunken boxing kungfu. In Chinese – zuì quán – a general name for all styles of Chinese martial arts that imitate the movements of a drunk person. Zui quan has the most unusual body movements among all styles of Chinese martial arts. Joe appears to be a drunken fool lost in Lalaland, not a threat to anyone, while all the time he looting the castle and the town merchants.

    However, Joe imitating the tactics of Vincent Louis Gigante, the mob boss who faked mental illness, who was said to be “crazy like a fox”, might also fit.


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