New York Times Obtains Resignation Letter From Kamala Harris Staffer – IOTW Report

New York Times Obtains Resignation Letter From Kamala Harris Staffer

Daily Caller: The New York Times obtained a strongly-worded resignation letter from a former Kamala Harris campaign staffer, who said she has “never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly.”

The Times published the letter Friday as part of a longer story about Harris’ fading campaign. 

“While I still believe that Senator Harris is the strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have confidence in our campaign or its leadership,” former staffer Kelly Mehlenbacher wrote in her resignation letter. “The treatment of our staff over the last two weeks was the final straw in a very difficult decision.”

Mehlenbacher accepted a job earlier this week with former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a late entry into the race, according to Politico. The veteran Democratic campaign staffer previously worked on Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign. read more

17 Comments on New York Times Obtains Resignation Letter From Kamala Harris Staffer

  1. Good thing it was the last straw.
    Because straws are bad on Bloomberg Candy Mountain.

    Oh the buzzin’ of the bees in the cigarette trees. The soda water fountain where the lemonade springs. And the bluebird sings in that Bloomberg Candy Mountain.

  2. Anybody here have a Ladbrokes Online Betting account?

    Could you possibly spare a moment to look something up?

    We sure could use the current betting Odds for Monday morning December 2, 2019 and which TV Mourning Show Host will be a Show or No Show after already taking a whole week off. Will it be a Mika-Joe Duet or a Mika Solo or a Joe Solo or the Home Alone Co-Host and Friends Happy Party.

    Looking forward to any race tips. Whatever they may be.

  3. “While I still believe that Senator Harris is the strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020, I no longer have confidence in our campaign or its leadership,”

    …so, you KNOW she can’t lead a CAMPAIGN, but you think she can lead a NATION?

    ….geeze, the cognitive dissonance in these people, they’re so double-minded I’m surprised the don’t have two heads…

  4. that was quick … Bloomberg’s $$$ is already making a mark on the primaries

    buying campaign staffers away from other candidates & having them dump on the other candidates …. way to go Little Mikey, nice typical underhanded political ploy

    Bloomberg is an idiot … but a rich one … he’s got enough $$$ to buy all these political whores out

  5. LMAO. Steyer just ran an ad against Trump about being richer than Trump because being rich and throwing away tons of cash on ads (For all kinds of crazy different reasons) is all steyer has to offer.
    Steyer and Bloomberg are just bored rich men. [ Like Mitt Romney is. ]

    Just wait til Warren and Bernie start running ads shaming Bloomberg, and Steyer for being rich. LOL!

  6. There is an old saying that you should judge people’s character by how they treat the wait staff in a restaurant.
    Although with Harris we already know what a terrible person she is, this letter gives a clue how she would treat Americans if she comes into power.

  7. FFS
    Why do you continue to post crap from the Daily Caller? The whole site is one big ad spam. I have no problem with the content. If I could just read it between all of the pop-ups video ads and related BS.

  8. “While I still believe that Senator Harris is the strongest candidate to win in the General Election in 2020 …”

    “Believe?” There’s that word again.

    She “believes” that Harris is the “strongest candidate to win” but throws in with Bloomberg? And not on some philosophical basis? What? Money?

    Sorry, just not getting the logic.

    “I think Caesar is the strongest general to win, but I’m backing Pompey.”
    “I think Alexander is the strongest general to win, but I’m backing Darius.”

    Am I missing something? Maybe she’s disingenuous?

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Is that ALL these people are qualified to do for work?
    Provide ‘support’ to political campaigns??
    Can’t they provide some useful product or service to the nation at large? Or did they only major in Political ‘Science’ and Wymyyns Studies in college?


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