Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion – IOTW Report

Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion


House Judiciary Committee chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) wrote to President Donald Trump Friday, giving him until Friday, Dec. 6., to answer whether he and his lawyers would participate in the “impeachment inquiry.”

Nadler’s letter quotes the forthcoming report from the House Intelligence Committee, which will be written entirely by Democrats and which will recommend drafting articles of impeachment against the president. The report will state that there was “a months-long effort in which President Trump again sought foreign interference in our elections for his personal and political benefit at the expense of our national interest”; and that the president conducted “an unprecedented campaign of obstruction in an effort to prevent the Committees from obtaining documentary evidence and testimony.”

The word “again” suggests that the House Intelligence Committee will not limit its report to allegations that Trump invited Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 election, but will also state that Trump sought Russian interference in the 2016 election — even though Special Counsel Robert Mueller found there to be no evidence of such collusion.

Nadler added that Trump is being investigated for obstruction of justice, relating to actions described by Mueller in the second volume of his report, though Mueller did not recommend prosecution and Attorney General William Barr rejected obstruction charges against Trump on the merits.

The White House cooperated fully with Mueller and never exerted executive privilege over any witnesses or documents. It has resisted participating in the House “impeachment inquiry,” which it regards as illegitimate.

Nadler has invited the president and his counsel to call and question witnesses, in accordance with the House resolution authorizing the impeachment inquiry last month — though the president was not allowed to do so in the Intelligence Committee inquiry. However, Nadler and the Democratic majority on the committee can overrule requests for witnesses.

In addition, the House Rules Committee warned last month that Nadler would be allowed to limit the president’s ability to call witnesses if he does not provide witnesses and documents the committee wants.

Republicans criticized Nadler’s letter. Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC), who participated in the earlier round of closed-door hearings, said that Nadler’s letter proved that the president had previously been denied due process rights: more

Here’s more from Conservative Treehouse:

Chairman Nadler Sends White House and Republicans More Deadlines for Fast-track December Impeachment Effort.

Candidate Trump was framed for stealing a horse; President Trump was subsequently accused of trying too hard to avoid hanging for it. Prosecutor Mueller eventually conceded that Trump didn’t steal the horse; however, by then the focus was on Trump’s efforts to avoid the hanging.  Eventually Mueller testified; it surfaced there was never a horse to begin with… Impeachment was stalled.   Prosecutor Jerry Nadler is attempting to resurrect a legal theory that President Trump can still be hung for attempting to avoid the hanging, even if there was no horse theft.   Yup, that’s were we’re at.

Earlier Friday House Judiciary Committee (HJC) Chairman Jerry Nadler sent another letter to the White House outlining a December 6th deadline for executive participation in the coup by impeachment.  The chairman also sent ranking member Doug Collins a similar letter asking for rebuttal witnesses by December 6th.  In anticipation of Nadler denying the republican rebuttal witnesses he has scheduled a committee hearing on the republican complaints for December 9th [yes, same day as IG Horowitz report release].

Both of these requests, along with the prior “groundwork hearing” request, come from the HJC before the judiciary committee has received the House Impeachment Inquiry report from Adam Schiff’s HPSCI partisan impeachment committee.  Apparently the HJC knows the report content from Schiff’s committee; which means there will be no full committee review by any republican members of the bunker basement impeachment group. read more

25 Comments on Nadler Gives Trump Friday Deadline; Impeachment to Include Russia Collusion

  1. PDT’s response should be that an ‘Impeachment Inquiry’ has no basis in Constitutional Law. he should declare the proceedings unfounded & unless, & until he is charged w/ a crime, they should go pound sand up their ample asses & quit wasting the US taxpayer’s money.

    don’t feed their theatrics … they think they got a good hand … call it

  2. …fast track away, Pudgy. The sooner we get this party started, the better. If you keep this timeline, we could be living in a Democrat-free world by Spring, and with LOTS of jobs in the ammunition manufacturing sector for replenishment over the summer to boot…

  3. Nadler has hated HATED Trump since the 1980’s and battled and lost to him every step of the way. Trump has already defeated this bastard and laid waste to his mind at every turn. That’s why he won’t stop eating shit. Killing yourself with food is just way to slow. He should just put a gun in his mouth and end this shit. Fing loser.

  4. So far Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse has nailed it every step of the way. He wrote many times this is why they wanted their hands of the dossier. Not that it true but it is chock full of innuendo that Meuller did not put to rest but left hanging that they could use to plump up the charges against Trump.

    NOVEMBER 30, 2019 AT 1:01 AM
    “Oh, there will be a hanging Mr. Nadler. Don’t you worry your rotund little self over that.”

    …we’re gonna need a bigger tree branch…

  6. They’re trying to eviscerate the Constitution so that the path for the imposition of their totalitarian agenda is made smooth and President Trump (and those who still adhere to that Constitution) are major obstacles. By the pretense of “Constitutionality” to their show trials, and, hopefully, with President Trump’s co-operation to his own demise, they can claim legitimacy, as did Joe Stalin in his show trials of the 30s.

    Stalin’s FBI (Cheka and NKVD) freely employed torture – where the Demonrats’ FBI seem to eschew those methods – for the moment.

    izlamo delenda est …


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