Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline – IOTW Report

Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline


President Donald Trump mocked Newsweek after they reported Thursday he spent Thanksgiving golfing and tweeting. In fact, the president was secretly traveling to Afghanistan to visit deployed American troops.

“I thought Newsweek was out of business?” Trump wrote on Twitter, sharing a screenshot of the article and photos of him with the troops in Afghanistan posted by his son Donald Trump Jr. more

19 Comments on Donald Trump Mocks Newsweek for Fake Thanksgiving Headline

  1. How quickly they’ve forgotten…
    The only thing President Rainbow Golfcart (the stair-prancing, flexible, ankle-grabbing, Gay-obsessed, Taqiyah Sunrise-Drinking, Purple-Lipped, Jug-Eared, Momjeans-Wearing, Shame Gland Missing, Peace-Prize Stealing, Lying, Denying, America-Hating, Jihadi-Loving, Deserter-Honoring, Communist-Organizing, Wire-Tapping, Benghazi Bullshitting, Marxist Muzlim Mallard) did more than golfing wuz taking expensive vacations!!

    Hey News Weak!
    ……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
    ……….”…\………. _.•´

  2. Sometimes I worry about Him…Thinking of all of the sh*t that

    these Idiots throw at Him…. then He does something like this..

    And I laugh and think…He’s doing fine !!!!

  3. As much as I love Trump. This kind of event planning, then suddenly unplanning, it par for the course when POTUS visits a war zone. So, early quitting time the day before a holiday on a fluff article. I can see how the story got stale real quick.

    It’s easy with as lame as the LEGACY media has become, to overreact to the fake news mantra. In this case though, I’ll give Newsweek the benefit of not being privy to secret presidential movement. That’s a good thing, if any of those commies could sacrifice GEOTUS to an enemy, they’d surely do it!

  4. Aha! Just as we thought, there is surgical precision in everything that comes out of the “White House in Chaos!”.

    Did y’all see the hour-long interview Epoch Times did with the insider biographer, Doug Wead? In it Wead talks about how the Russia collusion hoax helped Team Trump get so much done. The example used was deregulation and how, if the msm hadn’t been entirely focused on Russian collusion, Trump would not have been able to wipe out so many regulations; he would have received enormous obstruction from the D’s. Pertinent to this thread, Wead also talked about how easy Trump finds it to distract the media. He plays them bigly and it’s a source of amusement much of the time for him.

  5. don’t forget that newsweek also printed, and distributed but didn’t sell, an issue announcing that clinton had won the presidential election. They’re garbage. Wash your hands after touching garbage.


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