Hallmark Channel Under Assault by Race Hustlers and LGBTQ Cult, ‘Too White’ – IOTW Report

Hallmark Channel Under Assault by Race Hustlers and LGBTQ Cult, ‘Too White’


Every Christmas season, it appears we have to endure listening to the race hustlers and the gay patrol complain about the one channel left in America that does not partake in envelope-pushing. The Hallmark channel really is the last known entertainment that does not engage in the culture wars by pushing “diversity” for the sake of pleasing the agitators and instead focuses on its demographics; white moms and grandmas. But these days, being white and enjoying things white people like is a cause for concern and mockery. I’m white, and a mom, and Hallmark doesn’t particularly appeal to me except in the sense that I know I can turn it on and not be concerned that my children will be exposed to clown world morality that is on every other channel. It’s safe.

The Hollywood Reporter penned an article called “Hallmark Channel Struggles to Give Diversity a Home For the Holidays.” In it, author Lesley Goldberg takes aim at white people liking to watch other white people as if it’s some kind of mortal sin. “While other networks are viewing the holidays with an eye toward inclusion, Hallmark is delivering the dream of a white Christmas, just like the one’s audiences used to know.” I doubt Goldberg would ever complain about the lack of diversity on Black Entertainment Television (which, by the way, I happen to think is a great idea and caters to a specific audience that likes what they do. What a concept!)

As bad as the acting generally is on the Hallmark channel, the stories are blissfully devoid of any toxic cultural stew pushing politics with every line. There was a time in America where television censors would never allow any sex scenes as graphic as what you would see on Cinemax after dark but today it’s old hat to have to watch people groaning and panting (and swearing) at 7 pm on NBC. It’s gross. As a result, I’ve given up cable and only subscribe to online services with access to movies and shows the cultural elites now call “unwatchable.” I’ve completely lost the desire to watch any new programming. read more

25 Comments on Hallmark Channel Under Assault by Race Hustlers and LGBTQ Cult, ‘Too White’

  1. Right on the target.

    It is truly unfortunate that so many Jewish people are leftists, like this Goldberg, who sees fit to denounce what waspish people like to watch at Christmas time. I don’t understand why she feels threatened by it.

    I’m not Jewish, but it distresses me. It gives ammunition to anti-Semites, for one thing.

  2. It has bugged me the last few years as straight, white males in commercials are either portrayed as clownish foibles for whatever product or service is being promoted or left out of the advertisement completely. Meanwhile the black couple, the woman or the gay guys have it all together and make wise decisions. I feel sorry for young white males today. They will be left with the responsibility for working and carrying the load of raising families and being a good dad, while being ridiculed in popular culture for their efforts. I love women, respect black families and could care less about anyone else;s life style. But, there is nothing wrong with being a responsible hard working man, whatever ones skin color.

  3. We haven’t had one of those tee vees for 26 years and I feel perfectly content about it. My husband felt a bit awkward at work when his co-workers talked about the shows they watched until he noticed it had become rather a significant part of their lives and theorized, at least for some of them, it filled a void in their lives. I don’t know how they have time to watch tv.

  4. As usual their whining is prejudiced. I know the channel number for BET, but I’ve never seen White Entertainment Television (WET). Which if it was created would be shutdown as racists. Black racism is tolerated, but it’s not tolerated the other way round. As another example – There’s Black History Month, but no White History Month. Funny thing is I’ve noticed during BHM they emphasize the whiners about slavery, the ones who look back, the race hustlers. Called Poverty Pimps by Walter Williams. Very few, if any, stories about people who looked forward, and succeeded. Never using the past wrongs as a crutch.

  5. There is a reason Hallmark is successful:it’s a bastion of traditional American culture. Blacks are invited, if they leave the Michelle Obama Moron Express to hell.

    Mentally ill transvestites and pedophiles? Not invited.

  6. @Ohio Dan – you know why they do that?
    Because they know that the white guys can take it.
    As always, even if it’s subtle they are saying that the ‘oppressed minorities’, i.e. all but white guys, are less capable. That’s the real problem, that they see everyone else that way.

  7. I am a white mom, too. I tape the Christmas Hallmark movies so I can play them as background as I wrap presents, write cards, decorate, and cook during the holidays. Nice, pleasant quiet entertainment that is easy to follow and totally predictable. I quite enjoy it for this time of the year. I’m not interested in getting all worked up about politics during this joyful season.

  8. Note also about the men in commercials. I have brothers and a beautiful son. I hate the fact that so many white men not only in commercials, but in any sitcoms seem to be such duffus figures. Not in my life, not in my experience. The men in my life are wonderful, supportive, strong figures, and I love them for who and what they are.

  9. @ Tim Buktu November 30, 2019 at 12:20 pm

    > I’m not Jewish, but it distresses me. It gives ammunition to anti-Semites, for one thing.

    It gives you bad feelz, that those that call you “enemy”, arm those that call them “enemy”?

    (To stir a metaphor: <video>The More You Know</video>)

  10. The best argument is the presentation of reality. The race-mixing agenda is real. It has been open warfare for decades, and ignorant whites have fallen for it. Hallmark still on TV rejecting perversion and race-mixing, but still promoting whiteness in quality and decency in scripts is quite unique in that (((they))) own and control the media. The media that has become a main source of perverse brain-washing.

    Race Mixing Agenda in Advertising and “Entertainment” for Globalism and Greater Israel
    April 29, 2017
    Not only have the immigration floodgates been opened, jewish media constantly indoctrinates our people to throw away their heritage.

    Race Mixing Agenda
    [Graphic presentation of actual commercials, entertainment, politics]

  11. As a gesture, maybe they can produce a show called: “Da Al Sharpton Owa, feeterin da views of da likes of dat ass michelle obama and dat odda ass maxine waters.”

    It could be big.

  12. HGTV has too few white and normal-sex people – anybody protesting that?

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.

    Change the channel – that’s what they tell us if we complain about the fetid slop in the Media.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. @Graceia
    I’m not a mom yet (not even married to anyone), but I agree with you and do the same thing when I decorate for Christmas and wrap presents.

    Hallmark xmas movies are cheesy and predictable, but they’re nice and Christmasy. (Plus the really cringeworthy ones are fun to rewatch later with my brother so we can roast em. 😉 )


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