10 Celebrities Obsessed With Donald Trump on Twitter – IOTW Report

10 Celebrities Obsessed With Donald Trump on Twitter

To be fair, Jim Carrey appears to be having severe mental health issues.


We can all agree that Hollywood and the music industry is notoriously left-wing. It’s probably safe to assume if you don’t know for sure that they are a bleeding heart liberal. For the most part, who cares? You can appreciate an actor or an artist’s talent without politics getting in the way. But, lately, celebrities are so obsessed with politics, particularly Trump hatred, that they won’t shut up about it.

There are plenty of celebrities, whose political views are hardly a secret, that don’t obsess constantly over Donald Trump. Jerry Seinfeld doesn’t tweet much, but when he does, politicals are refreshingly absent. Madonna, who infamously said she wanted to blow up the White House, isn’t ranting like lunatic about Trump on her Twitter feed. Mark Ruffalo uses his Twitter account to draw attention to various causes he supports, but Trump is mostly absent from those tweets. There are plenty more examples of celebrities in the entertainment industry that are not using their Twitter feeds as anti-Trump soapboxes, but I wanted to look for those that have—the celebrities who are using anti-Trumpism to prove their liberal bona fides or maintain relevancy or something. more

17 Comments on 10 Celebrities Obsessed With Donald Trump on Twitter

  1. Jim Carrey has said some really profound, self-affirming things. But he also does this.
    Missing are Alyssa Milano, who should be near the top of the list, and Patton Oswalt. Although I have seen times when Patton argues with someone, then discovers personal issues they are going through and takes steps to help them.
    Even people with TDS are capable of saying and doing the right thing. But it is a pretty dramatic condition.

  2. Ok, to start off, I’m not making excuses for them, but…

    If you have ever lived in a progressive area of California (sometimes just a long visit will do) then you can see how people go off the deep end. I lived on the Bay Area Peninsula for several years and escaped just before the Battle of the Bays earthquake.

    It’s not living in reality. It’s hard to explain if you haven’t been there. Hollywood is even worse since you have an echo chamber of “friends”, so you just don’t get out into the real world, ever.

    Once you get used to being in a false world, the real world becomes very scary. You will do anything to avoid facing it. Especially if you are an ‘actor’ or ‘actress’ and your life work is ‘faking it’. Like Bette Midler herself said, acting is just “a bunch of bullshitting”.

    Personally I dismiss these people as the emotional ‘children’ that they are. They make tons of money for making people believe lies. It must be tough on a person, psychologically speaking, to do that and live with oneself. I can certainly see where they would easily become schizophrenic just to cope.

    So far as tactical effectiveness goes, I think they help the conservative cause. When you see someone acting like a lunatic it tends to make you want to run in the opposite direction.

    That’s my two cents. Take it to the bank of LA.

  3. @Mark
    “It’s not living in reality”, sure it is, it’s their reality.

    The reason The Bay Area elects folks like Pelosi, Speier, and Eshoo is because they hold the same values as the people of that area. They would look at you as the oddity, avoiding reality. I imagine it’s the same for folks in Cody, Rapid City or Casper, where conservative values are more traditional. The only difference is that those areas would look at the Bay Area as a bit nutty and misguided, but the progs here look at flyover states and the inhabitants as stupid, racist and evil.

    And as for celebrities being leftist, I look at it as networking. All their peers (actors, directors, studio heads) all share the same herd mentality, the same narrow outlook on life. The key is to stand out, to virtue signal about more diversity in hiring, equal pay for women, Orange Man is Hitler, that sort of stuff. The squeky wheel gets the new part in the latest movie.

  4. “You can appreciate an actor or an artist’s talent without politics getting in the way”, sorry I’m not that flexible. If I never hear or see them again I’m OK with that.

  5. I’ve never given a shit about any actor. So many times I’m told by people, “OMG, how do you not know who ____ is? S/he is totally my fav I love him/her so much in ____ movie.”

    I always respond with something like, “Because none of them give a shit about me. You love someone who doesn’t love you back and will never know your name. Get your head checked. Find a hobby.”

  6. Alyssa Milano is childless, and she is now middle age. Instead of building a family, she partied. Like other feminist fools in her situation, she’s gone nuts and is on a mission to destroy – something. Anything. Sadly, she chose our country as a target. The only difference between milano and other women doing the same is her wealth from her tv career: most other crazy women in her situation have fancied themselves tv commentators or politicans. Like aspiring basketball players, very few make it, and most remain single, childless and broke in their 40s and early 50s.

    By taking the path she has in the forefront of useful idiocy – milano might be rich, but she must be very, very unfullfilled personally.

  7. Alyssa Milano has two children, plus she aborted two earlier so she wouldn’t be forced to stop her skyrocketing career, such as it was. She’s just no longer in demand, her little boobs are saggy, and she can’t just devote time to her young children, There’s no publicity in that.


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