Government employees multiplying like rabbits – IOTW Report

Government employees multiplying like rabbits

Ugh. The visual!!!


We have communists now being seriously considered for elected office in the U.S. Hard to understand how that happened. But it’s the natural consequence when the venerable, old Democratic Party allowed itself to be highjacked by radical leftists.

Over the last 25 years, closet socialists and closet communists, under the cloak of “progressives”, have been in the forefront of efforts to expand government and the number of government workers in this country. In the early part of the 1990s decade, we saw rapid private sector expansion (with private sector employment jumping 21%) while federal government employment declined. But then, federal employment expanded under Clinton’s second term, and during the Bush and Obama administrations. This government employment growth cost taxpayers billions of dollars and paved the way for government assuming more control over American lives.

By 2015, the Bureau of Labor Statistics stated there were 80% more people employed by government in America than those employed in the manufacturing sector. And federal, state and local governments employed about 21 million people. By October, 2019, this number had risen to 24,421,000 government workers, if we include the 1.4 million military employees. Of this amount, 17.3% worked for the federal government, 21.9% worked for state government, and 60.8% were employed by local governments.

The expanding federal government helps to explain why this country is running a federal debt of $22.03 trillion. This is money the U.S. has borrowed and is unpaid, the result of government spending more than it collects. It amounts to about 77% of Gross Domestic Product. 29% of this debt is held by foreigners, leaving America with the largest external debt in the world. The $22.03 trillion does not include the obligations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which are just over $5 trillion. Also, it does not include the present value of unfunded obligations of Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid, which are estimated at $45.8 trillion. Added together, the national debt is $72.8 trillion. This does not include the unfunded cost of government pensions. And governments continue to add employees. read more

13 Comments on Government employees multiplying like rabbits

  1. I know a couple that are both FedGov employees. both make over $120 a year each. they’ve been told that, due to new fed regs kicking in for 2020 that they can ‘tele-commute’ 4 days a week … seriously

    the average person in the US is making about $49k a year. the average FedGov employee makes $75k a year … in the DC area it’s above $90k

    why are we, the taxpayers, paying these people?

    your money folks … don’t know about you, but when I’m fucked at least I would appreciate a kiss

    (apologies to the sensitive, but sometimes applied crudeness awakens latent emotions)

  2. Should form a commitee to study this and then form a task force to rectify the problem under the guidance of a think tank covered by the group that covers the expenditures of groups and commitees expendatures and task forces.And stuff like that. If the board ok’s it.

  3. “Hard to understand how that happened…”

    What?? We – yes, WE – elected, re-elected, and re-re-elected boehner, mccain, mcconnell, flake, corker, romney and the rest of the rino rats that stabbed us in the back, and enriched themselvfes in the process.

    WE ARE TO BLAME! Now, it’s up to us to fix this nightmare, one election at a time.

  4. I work part-time for the VA. The stuff I could tell you would make up puke straight up in the air. They are hiring physicians like mad madly even though Trump through the Mission Act is opening the community for veterans for their health care. This should decrease the new hires not increase it.

    The waste is sickening and I am leaving at the end of this year. They do not use a business model, they have no idea what a business model is nor do they care. Instead of reviewing staff’s clinical workloads they just hire more physicians to work. Which means more salaries, more benefits, and more pensions all off your backs.

    The average clinic load where I am at is 3-4 patients in the morning shift and 2-3 patients in the pm shifts. Whereas in town the private physicians are seeing 10 per shift. That has it’s own problems and I am not advocating for that by why not 7 per shift??

    These people hide in endless do-nothing meetings, committees, and conferences. Some of the useless physician’s time is mapped (FTE) for 50% teaching and research and haven’t lectured in years or published anything in 12 years. Yet they still get a full physician’s salary.

    The way the rig things is impressive to hide their lack of work. And it if you call them out on it or try to move up the ladder to make policy changes to increase work, efficiency, reduce costs and decrease the budget these people work tirelessly behind your back to undermine and stop you. And they have all the time in the world because they re not working (they have NO tangible work product) and the best part you are paying them very well to work against you.

    ALWAYS, always, always remember each government office whether local, state or federal acts like its own little Deep State to keep the workload at a bare minium and keep the spigot of your tax dolalrs flowing towards them.

  5. @Anonymous November 30, 2019 at 11:45 pm

    > Now, it’s up to us to fix this nightmare, one election at a time.


    I swear, to be subservient to the decisions rendered by The Party. As to who will be accepted into The Party. Who will be listed on The Party ballots. Who will be allowed to vote in That Party’s “elections”. Who The Party will declare the “winners” of such “elections”. And to always pay “my” taxes.

    Hey? Is my bowtie straight?

  6. Letting them unionize was fatal. Then there’s the fact that almost to a man they’re democrats and busily undermining everything a republican does. Lazy with “make work” jobs and they’re there simply to add to democrat’s framework and near impossible to get rid of.
    It’s like slowly poisoning yourself.


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