Virginia Citizens Defense League: ‘Defending Your Right to Defend Yourself’ – IOTW Report

Virginia Citizens Defense League: ‘Defending Your Right to Defend Yourself’

From PHenry-

First day of the Virginia General Assembly is Monday, January 20.   The newly seated, Bloomberg-bought, General Assembly and the threadbare haggered old leftists need to see all 2nd Amendment defenders at the Virginia Civilian Defense League rally at 8am.  We will not be disarmed!

You do not have to live in Virginia to attend.   Put the fear of God in these legislators, Governor baby killer Gosnell, accused rapist Lt Gov Fairfax and blackface AG Mark Herring. 

It’s time to rise up, people!   Enough!
You can rally, walk the halls of the General Assembly offices and enter their offices to voice your opinion.   

From VCDLorg:

VCDL will be holding the most important Lobby Day Rally that we have ever had on Monday January 20th, 2020!

If you care about your gun rights in the slightest then it is vital that you show up at this rally!

—For info and other news, click HERE


In three weeks we now have 31 Second Amendment Sanctuary counties and towns.

  • Appomattox
  • Bland
  • Botetourt
  • Buchanan
  • Campbell
  • Carroll
  • Charlotte
  • Culpeper County
  • Dickenson
  • Dinwiddie
  • Town of Exmore
  • Giles
  • Greensville
  • Halifax
  • Henry
  • King William
  • Lee
  • Louisa
  • Madison
  • Nottoway
  • Patrick
  • Pittsylvania
  • Powhatan
  • Rappahannock
  • Rural Retreat
  • Russell
  • Southampton
  • Sussex
  • Tazewell County
  • Washington
  • Wythe

More Coming

10 Comments on Virginia Citizens Defense League: ‘Defending Your Right to Defend Yourself’

  1. Good morning!

    41 countries and counting as of today.

    I’m hoping these actions will make a difference, but it seems more like window dressing. I hope that next election more people will get out and vote. There is no excuse for the Democrat majorities other than people not voting. If you didn’t vote this is what you get. I’m tired of people throwing themselves on the backs of those who act.

    Watching a Bloomberg ad on TV as I write this. It’s not good.

  2. I guess Cassandra can’t see any difference between illegally attempting to remove a duly elected official just because your lousy candidate lost and petitioning the government for redress of grievances as outlined the in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

  3. “duly elected government” as financed and supported by people from other countries seeking power, control and end runs around our Constitution. Narrow minds following fools and failed ways.

  4. Maine Legislators will be attempting this beginning in Jan. The winter session is supposed to be for emergencies but with the leftists, many from out of state, running all 3 branches in the state they are writing their own rules.

  5. Oooh! Look! A list! I loves me sum signin’ up for a list!

    Look Ma! I signed up for a list. Now I don’t hafta get offa the couch. Oh Ma! Alright. I’ll roll over. This time. Maybe. As long as everybody else on the list cheers.

  6. @Truckbuddy December 4, 2019 at 6:32 am

    > If you didn’t vote this is what you get. I’m tired of people throwing themselves on the backs of those who act.

    That’s. Just. Sad.

    I mean. I can’t even… muster… the will… to snark. It’s just so profoundly… sad.

  7. Democrats are not in Power but when they are, you will beg them to take your guns…owning a gun will subject you to removal of your children from your unsafe environment and they will be sent to homes of loving gays, your national funded house loan will be called, you will be denied credit, your new mandatory insurance to cover your gun problem will be $30,000 per month, you will be subject to law enforcement visits , social media will out you, some employers will not tolerate a gun owner etc etc and gun dealers, importers, retailers and manufacturers will be sued out of business…unless you organize and are willing to fight, your guns will be gone within ten years..


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