h/t Gin Blossom. palumbo: There are countless conservatives out there who, for decades, made a habit out of garnering the daily news from the Drudge Report. The appeal was obvious – good headlines, good stories, and always with a conservative kick to them.

In recent months, there’s a widespread perception that that’s all changed, and that’s translated to the Drudge Report hemorrhaging readers. The aggregation juggernaut bled 17 million monthly visitors from July to October, bringing their average monthly viewership down from 96 million to 77 million. In all likelihood, that’ll only continue trending downward. What kind of reaction could possibly be expected by going against their readers?

So bad have things gotten that President Donald Trump went as far as to ask Jared Kushner to figure out “what’s going on with Drudge.”

We don’t have a clue – and rather than try to figure that out ourselves, we’ve simply created out own aggregator: The Bongino Report. Readers can expect fifty of the best conservative stories of the day, seven days a week, from topics ranging from the impeachment hoax, the spygate scandal, the 2020 election, our culture war with the left, economics, immigration, and more. The daily topics will naturally change with the news cycle.

The site is also a tad more visually appealing with Drudge, if we may say so ourselves.

Forget Drudge – if you want real conservative news, visit us at every day.

20 Comments on THE BONGINO REPORT is up!

  1. Dannny Bonnnngiino!

    Good luck and you are welcome here at IOTW btw…the only person to fill in for Levin these days, but he has become too busy of late, for awesome reasons. Not sure why he is linking to Youtube at the bottom of the site though??

    I go to Whatfinger for the aggragate but will go to his site EVERYDAY as well.

    I come to IOTW for the laughs, the art, the intelligence and the wisdom…and faith.

  2. It’s probably just me being a dumbass, but when a site declares they use cookies to enhance “MY” browsing experience I usually don’t go back often. My browsing experience is enhanced when there is not a bunch of sideline bullshit. The site does look good though.

  3. I really like the pop-up that expands on the headlines. It gives you the nut of the story.

    Frankly, I’m probably one of the few people who follows politics who didn’t bookmark Drudge. It was a visually unappealing site…and I never could figure out all his links at the bottom of the page. I’d go for the top headline and that was about it. And during the ’16 primaries, he usually had all the links to polls.

    Good luck to Bongino! He’s got a clean looking site (compared to Whatfinger (Could never understand why they called it “Whatfinger”, it seemed silly.)

  4. Drudge has proven that the only thing he believes in is his own enrichment. Like so many others, his lust for money outweighs any sense of loyalty to principles. Maybe he wants the approval of the leftists and if that’s the case he’s double the lowlife cockroach.

  5. You should, for the sake of sticking it to Matt the same way he was sticking it to us, leave a message in the News Tips section that you’re nuking him from orbit. (It’s the only way to be sure.)

    And don’t go back. Evuh!

  6. I had read Drudge every day since 2005, when I retired and had time on my hands.
    A coupla years ago he lost something, not sure what but I had to make a big bookmark list to visit sites for the latest.
    Glad somebody is stepping in to take up Drudge’s slack, he lost me.
    Bye, Felicia

  7. I don’t know what’s happened and continues to happen at Fox and Drudge, but I’m glad to see what you’re doing to take back honest news reporting. Thank you, Dan.

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