McCotter: The Democratic Party Isn’t – IOTW Report

McCotter: The Democratic Party Isn’t

American Greatness: It’s high time American voters lodged a complaint with the Better Business Bureau (“BBB”) against an entity with a sketchy history of bogus claims and broken promises: the Democratic Party.

According to the BBB:

Misleading advertising occurs when, in the promotion of a product or any business interest, a representation is made to the public that is false or materially misleading. If a representation could influence a consumer to buy the product or service advertised, it is material. To determine whether an advertisement is misleading, the courts consider the “general impression” it conveys, as well as its literal meaning.

With that in mind, as both an oxymoron and an exercise in false advertising, the Democratic Party isn’t democratic.

In our constitutional republic, the sovereign citizenry, through elections, must consent to delegate their power to their elected servants. Even when enumerated by the Constitution, the citizenry’s delegation of power to their elected servants is temporary; and may be altered or extinguished by the people through means such as elections or the constitutional amendment process. It is this ultimate power of the citizenry that constitutes the revolutionary foundational principle of and the inviolable right of the people within our free republic.

This is why the Democratic Party isn’t democratic, unless one disingenuously uses the term in its bastardized Soviet iteration. read more

h/t forcibly deranged

9 Comments on McCotter: The Democratic Party Isn’t

  1. To be a representative of the public requires a level of moral virtue and a continual focus on the welfare of the public. The democrats and leadership in general has abandoned those guidelines long ago and opted for power and control instead. Everything they attempt to do is by the use of raw force despite the unpopularity.
    These thugs operate exclusively with strong arm methods.

  2. This mislabeling of the DemoCRAT party as DemocraTIC is one of my pet peeves. They are not democratic in any way shape or form. George Orwell opines on this deliberate manipulation of the language to manipulate minds.

    Whenever anyone on TV says DemocraTIC instead of the proper term I yell CRAT!!! Dem–o–CRAT. Now everyone in my family does this 🙂

  3. This mislabeling of the DemoCRAT party as DemocraTIC is one of my pet peeves. They are not democratic in any way shape or form. George Orwell opines on this deliberate manipulation of the language to manipulate minds.

    Whenever anyone on TV says DemocraTIC instead of the proper term I yell CRAT!!! Dem–o–CRAT. Now everyone in my family does this 🙂

  4. Excellent! I have to say that on your blog …. many years ago… you posted something that I still chuckle about. Its topic was about comparing the appropriate attire of our recent Presidents. You showed a picture of George and Laura, and then Obama and Michelle in similar situations. 🙂

    Then you went on to show the Obama’s showing up on a school or someplace with kids… the outfit that Mrs. Obama wore was shocking to say the least.

    Funny stuff. 🙂


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