The Dan Bongino Show- Breathtaking Failures Exposed in the IG Report – IOTW Report

The Dan Bongino Show- Breathtaking Failures Exposed in the IG Report

The troubling contents of the IG Report which details the abuses in the Spygate scandal.

7 Comments on The Dan Bongino Show- Breathtaking Failures Exposed in the IG Report

  1. @Anonymous December 11, 2019 at 4:07 am

    > Obama gave Pearson Publishing $350 million to create Commoncore text and Pearson gave Obama a $65 million dollar book deal in return

    That’s so sad. A former President, first black President, Nobel Prize winner. And he’s got no friends nor family.

  2. Considering all the crimes committed by Al Sharpton and he remains out there popping off there’s no hope we’ll ever see Obama facing charges.
    Criminal black public figures are untouchable thanks to the left.

  3. @mongo December 11, 2019 at 5:47 am

    > Criminal black public figures are untouchable thanks to the left.

    Black public figures are untouchable because Conservatives™ are the Left™. They’re just the Left the mobs on The Right Side of History™ are supposed to boo for. Before, everybody, throws MOAR money.

    It doesn’t help that Judeo-Christians demand everybody loose control of their bowels, every. damn. time., somebody screeches “RACIST!”. But Boomers gonna’ boom.

  4. Bit of a reality check: the IG works for the DoJ.
    Duh! Hello?

    The DoJ IG’s job is to minimize DoJ’s exposure – every IG in every Agency in the FedGov’s job is to minimize that agency’s exposure. Recommend fixes that can be done out of the public’s eye, but otherwise put a gloss on things. They’re NOT there to uncover wrongdoing – particularly criminal wrongdoing that would put the agency in a bad light – they’re there to cover it up.

    Anyone who thinks otherwise is naive.

    izlamo delenda est …


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