Dem Senate Candidates Rejecting Corporate PACs Received $1.6M from Entities Backed by Corporate Cash – IOTW Report

Dem Senate Candidates Rejecting Corporate PACs Received $1.6M from Entities Backed by Corporate Cash

WFB: Nearly a dozen 2020 Democratic Senate candidates who have sworn off corporate PAC money have found a workaround: They are accepting cash from allied PACs that are free to accept corporate-linked contributions.

Thanks to the loophole, the Democrats have togetherreceived at least $1.6 million from committees that receive money from corporate PACs, according to a Washington Free Beacon review. Corporations establish PACs because they are barred from sending company money to political campaigns. The PACs are instead funded by employees at the corporation.

Every Democratic Senate candidate endorsed by the End Citizens United PAC, a liberal group that decries the influence of corporate PAC money, has received contributions from Democratic leadership PACs that are heavily financed by corporate PACs. The End Citizens United PAC has endorsed 11 Senate candidates and has transferred at least $50,000 to 9 of those candidates for the 2020 election cycle. None of the campaigns responded to a Nov. 25 request for comment. read more

1 Comment on Dem Senate Candidates Rejecting Corporate PACs Received $1.6M from Entities Backed by Corporate Cash

  1. The political ads write themselves.

    Start it with a voice over a black and white pic of the Dem stating “Remember when Bill Smith promised to not accept money from those Corporate funded PACS (then have his quote about that appear under his pic) well it seems that Bill wasn’t being quite truthful with you.
    Then go on and state how he and others are getting around it and how much corporate money they’ve taken so far. Shouldn’t take more then 30 secs and a stripped down version 15.


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