Italy: Bride-To-Be Admits To Crying After Getting ‘Ugliest Engagement Ring’ Ever – IOTW Report

Italy: Bride-To-Be Admits To Crying After Getting ‘Ugliest Engagement Ring’ Ever

My eyes watered a little when I saw it, too. Yikes. 🤣
However, it’s so rude of her to make a public stink over it.

28 Comments on Italy: Bride-To-Be Admits To Crying After Getting ‘Ugliest Engagement Ring’ Ever

  1. My wife’s still waiting for hers.
    And SHE bought the wedding rings!
    (she worked at Hecht’s – though I did contribute to the cost)

    Guy should tell her “Taka da walka!”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. My husband and I went together to choose our rings. That way, each of us got what we wanted. I understand the surprise, popping-the-question, presenting a ring proposal, but for something you will be wearing for life (hopefully), it should be something you love.

  3. I wore my wedding band for about 6 months. I lifted a heavy object that rested on the ring and it cut (more like tore) into my finger. So I started to take it off before doing anything with my hands. After running around freaking out about where I left it a few times, I quit it altogether. Drives my wife crazy sometimes, but I just can’t be trusted to care for jewelry, so she accepts it.

  4. Bride-to-Be: “Gah! Get rid of that thing!”

    Husband-to-Be: [sighs] “Ok. Come on, fellas. Looks like we’re walking through Mordor.” [points finger] “Shut up, Boromir…”

  5. gin blossom DECEMBER 14, 2019 AT 11:46 AM
    Of course he’s tasteless, he asked you to marry him didn’t he?


    Okay, there are many variations of this one that are real. On rare occasion the other side comes too. Trying to be brief… Honest!

    First one standing behind the counter and this nasty bint was berating the poor bastard (standing there with her) who bought the ring for her someplace else and insisted among other things, “It’s the wrong size!” I tried to explain that I thought it fit her finger correctly and she got very indignant with me saying, “the stone needs to be much BIGGER!” Yes We sold them another ring with him taking a bath on selling us the first ring. He married her and I believe the marriage lasted at least 18 months.

    Another one, on occasion I would personally visit with loose stones to pick from after getting the parameters. This was was a friend of mine and I brought a number of what I thought were very nice stones to pick from according to what he told me he wanted size and dollar wise. Again, a nasty spoiled twat that couldn’t accept any of my suggested stones and the longer the visit lasted the more I understood how screwed this guy was. Ended up after redoing the selection of stones and further rejections it was obvious she had made her mind up for other than from his friend’s poor selection. Told my friend that I probably couldn’t satisfy his needs (have sold any and all sizes and price levels so that was bullshit, I just couldn’t be part of the emotional ringer he was going into) and he should let her control the process. Couldn’t get blatantly honest with him to explain how much trouble he was in and watched from afar the disaster unfold. Believe it ended up with “Needless Markup, Tiffincan’t or some such” with large numbers. He did escape in that she kept the ring he they didn’t get married.

    I’ll end from the other side on what came into the shop…
    With the advent of the internet we now thousands of experts who know everything they need to know by going to one of the “diamond sites” and purchasing or finding out “what it really should cost” and then coming in to educate the professional jeweler.
    Young lady showed up with a “Princess Cut” diamond engagement ring with a stone that was loose. “Can you please fix this…?” When shopping on the internet, how is it that the “same parameters” can have a five of six thousand dollar spread? If you know what you’re doing I suppose you might not get yourself in trouble. Anyway, the cut on the stone had a girdle “knife edge” on part with the width to drive a greyhound bus on elsewhere. Told her if the thing had been purchased with credit card (most likely) send it back and get a refund. and here’s the other side…
    She said she couldn’t do that to her fiancé.
    So we jammed it into a head of half carat size too large putting the prongs in a fashion to hold the stone securely.

    Years ago the business was fun and you could provide a real service with a small amount of education at the same time. The internet and big box chains destroyed it and further alienated the customer base. The family owned jewelry store is a dying thing.

  6. It is both hilarious and hideous and I would have laughed instead of cried. Her foul isn’t that she didn’t like the ring rather she took it public and humiliated the man she claims to want to spend her life with. That is why he should run.

  7. I have an un?fortunate tendency with women – I am curious about how reasonable they will be if a dispute occurs. The results are pretty scary, but I’m glad I didn’t discover their tendencies in divorce court.

  8. Never give the engagement ring as “gift,” Christmas, Birthday. etc.

    Given as engagement you can recover if it blows up. Given as a gift it’s hers. Or so I crassly advised when selling, but not in those words.

  9. Her fiancée is clearly a Stanley Kubrick fan.
    Eyes Wide Shut
    The ring is a dead ‘ringer’ for the masks in the movie
    The ring is so ugly, he must have had his Eyes Wide Shut when he picked it out!

    Now let loose with your torrent of upvotes and accolades.

  10. so glad I came from an age where women appreciated the sacrifice a man put into an expense he could rarely afford & present her w/ something that sacrificed his sweat & toil

    my engagement ring to She Who Must Be Obeyed was a re-setting of my step-mother’s 3/4 carat engagement ring from my dad … it had meaning to me … She Who Must Be Obeyed appreciated it

    so glad I went through a time where family, tradition mattered … not like today, where only money matters … you cheap bastard!

    … & they continually bitch about ‘capitalism’

    (btw, if I’m her … I’m seriously reassessing the situation … that’s fugly)


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