Canada: 2 Men Fired After Using the Word ‘Eskimo’ in a Private Conversation – IOTW Report

Canada: 2 Men Fired After Using the Word ‘Eskimo’ in a Private Conversation

They got on their knees and begged forgiveness, to no avail. Because that’s how LeftWorld works nowadays. Story

33 Comments on Canada: 2 Men Fired After Using the Word ‘Eskimo’ in a Private Conversation

  1. Is calling an Eskimo an Aleut or Inuit next on their forbidden speech list? How about their calling an ice house an igloo? And what about calling Canadians Canucks or cheeseheads, eh? Bob and Doug McKensie of The Great White North hardest hit along with the comedy of Red Green. And these ninnies would probably ban Frank Zappa’s song Watch Out Where The Huskies Go, Don’t You Eat That Yellow Snow as well. And is husky out too because it might discriminate against small people?

  2. Peter Stzok said he can smell Trump supporters. Hillary called us deplorables. And now we capitalize it…Deplorables! But we are not a protected class.

    Those 2 Canadians should identify as trans….and accuse their accuser of being trans-phobic.

  3. My grandmother was an indian. Never called herself an indgenous whatever.So i guess i am part indian i don’t get all pc about it.Aw crap black tahoe is back see ya later folks. can i say folks?

  4. The politically correct punishment team has made it all the way up north. Their problem was they were overheard by some kicked out Eskimo MP trying to recapture some headlines to get some sort of cushy government job as reparations for being an asshole. He ran for the Conservatives (and then had to resign because of “financial irregularities” in his campaign then lost the next two elections to a Liberal) so it just goes to show you the need to better pick your candidates and try to avoid those that are crooks and would destroy other men for a slip of the tongue.

  5. Omg can we stop this words hurt crap?! Don’t even capitulate and agree with that premise. I remember growing up in the 80s and being told regularly the old sticks and stones mantra to ignore crap because words don’t hurt you.

  6. I guess The Christmas Song is banned in Canada too, huh? ‘Dressed up like eskimos’ is a verse after all…

    And no eskimo kisses I guess.
    Forget about eskimo pie too.

    …I just noticed but none of those are negatives pertaining to eskimos so why the backlash, Canada? Just simply because you can?

  7. What will they rename the Edmonton Eskimos?

    Edmonton Blubber
    Edmonton Igloos
    Edmonton Muk-Luks
    Edmonton Snowshoes
    Edmonton Toboggans

    How about something from 12,000 miles a way that won’t offend the most sensitive Eskimo: Gauchos.

  8. It’s not about the words, it’s about making the peasants kneel to the ruling class – govt connected scum and their whiny NGOs. Facism is govt control of industry with chosen favorites – leftist NGOs are non taxed (or even govt supported) allied industry in all the craziest stupidity the govt forces on the peasants.

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