Biden a civil rights hero? No, he’s just a liar – IOTW Report

Biden a civil rights hero? No, he’s just a liar

During his presidential campaign, Joe Biden has claimed that he was involved in desegregation sit-ins and activism during the civil rights movement in the 60s. With scant evidence to show this, Larry decides to look into the former Vice President’s past and see just how much of a civil rights “hero” he really was. Larry Elder Show – The Epoch Times.

12 Comments on Biden a civil rights hero? No, he’s just a liar

  1. Joe Biden … the dimmest bulb in the drawer & a legend in his own mind

    “there I was, charging up San Juan Hill, the .99mm bombs were flyin’ everywhere, when I spotted Teddy Roosebear falter. I grabbed him by the shoulder … ‘buck up son, let’s go kick some Corn Pop hispanish ass … & the rest is history … wanna feel my hairy legs? can I just smell your hair?”

  2. I love how the Marxist, mad dog, mainstream media’s (Black Conservative Patriot – You Tube) newest narrative is that Pedo Joe’s verbal gaffes are the result of a childhood stutter 75 years later.

    It’s not his fault America, he’s a victim of a birth defect, nothing to see here.

  3. I wonder if the Duluth Trading Company makes asbestos underwear cause come on man, Biden’s pants must go up in smoke on an hourly basis.
    The guy is delusional and needs an intervention.


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