FISA Court Orders Government to Submit Plan to Correct FBI FISA Abuses Uncovered by Horowitz – IOTW Report

FISA Court Orders Government to Submit Plan to Correct FBI FISA Abuses Uncovered by Horowitz

CNS- The secret federal court that approved the warrants to conduct covert surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page has ordered that it be provided a report detailing how the Federal Bureau of Intelligence (FBI) plans to ensure that the missteps detailed in Justice Department Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz’s review are never repeated.

The letter issued Tuesday by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), signed by Presiding Judge Rosemary M. Collyer, opens by citing the Office of Inspector General (OIG) report’s findings that the FBI both “provided false information” and “withheld material information” in its efforts to secure warrants to surveil Page:


“This order responds to reports that personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provided false information to the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice, and withheld material information from NSD which was detrimental to the FBI’s case, in connection with four applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for authority to conduct electronic surveillance of a U.S. citizen named Carter W. Page. When FBI personnel mislead NSD in the ways described above, they equally mislead the FISC.”

“On December 9, 2019, the government filed with the FISC public and classified versions of the OIG Report. The OIG Report describes in detail the preparation of the four applications for electronic surveillance of Mr. Page. It documents troubling instances in which FBI personnel provided information to NSD which was unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession. It also describes several instances in which FBI personnel withheld from NSD information in their possession which was detrimental to their case for believing that Mr. Page was acting as an agent of a foreign power.

“In addition, while the fourth electronic surveillance application for Mr. Page was being prepared, an attorney in the FBI’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) engaged in conduct that apparently was intended to mislead the FBI agent who ultimately swore to the facts in that application about whether Mr. Page had been a source of another government agency.”

The OIG findings reveal that the FBI’s conduct calls into question the reliability of all of the Bureau’s FISA applications, the letter says:

“The FBI’s handling of the Carter Page applications, as portrayed in the OIG report, was antithetical to the heightened duty of candor described above. The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable.”

In conclusion, the letter orders the production and submission of a report, due January 10, 2020, detailing corrective steps that have been taken, as well as a timeline for corrective measures to be taken in the future: more

19 Comments on FISA Court Orders Government to Submit Plan to Correct FBI FISA Abuses Uncovered by Horowitz

  1. Who is/are the cockroach FISA judge(s) who approved the spying??
    I mean sure, I guess they could say they were deceived and plead ignorance… AT THE TIME, although I would like to think that the judge(s) should have had the where with all to be able to smell something was rotten! Three years of silence, on the other hand, makes them complicit in my mind! Unless they’re going to claim an IQ of less than 80, pleading “ignorance” three years later just doesn’t cut it! I don’t know about anybody else, but if I were deceived like that I would be pretty damn pissed off about having my judgement and record forever stained!

  2. …sure, tell the Govenment to be self-policing and devise it’s own controls and penalties, uh-huh,let me know how that works out, I’d watch it myself but I’ve got a rifle to boresight, have some range time scheduled, and I feel like I need to check on ammo sales for…some reason…

    …also, been practicing some knots and stuff, I can do a noose pretty quick now, it just seems like a skill that may be in demand here in the next few months and I like to get a little ahead of the curve…

  3. Everybody (in and out of the room) knows the applicants only get paid for the job, if the “judge” signs off. There is every (financial) incentive to lie. And, since the “judges” create no (absolutely no) penalty for lying poorly (not merely sending them “home” to do the paperwork over, but, often, telling them, exactly, what new lies they need to include to get the gig), there’s no downside to lying. Always.

    The “judges” either know this, and that is, exactly, why they’re being paid (to “referee” the wraslin’ “match”). Or they are only offered their gigs, if they are profoundly retarded.

    Retarded. Liars. Retarded liars who lie. None of the “explanations” makes for, even a laughable, tale of how “We’ll clean up our own mess. Please don’t hang us.”

  4. @TRF December 18, 2019 at 8:36 am

    > if I were deceived like that I would be pretty damn pissed off about having my judgement and record forever stained

    Double secret corruption is some way to sail through retirement, xon.

  5. Oh look… Now we’re at the phase were all the phony bureaucrat scum claim to be “shocked!”… “appalled!”… and “outraged!”… All the people in charge will “take full responsibility”… But not a fucking thing will happen to anyone responsible for this shit… Nothing. FFS… These cunts at the FISA court knew EXACTLY what the FBI was doing because they supported the effort. Fuck these swamp scum motherfuckers.

  6. Self policing- love it. (no, not really- just being sarcastic) Did they get the idea from the Catholic church’s approach to all the priests that were buggering young men & boys? I’m thinking they did with the hopeful results that the status quo remains undisturbed.

    Jerry Maderin has it right: prison time now – reform later.

  7. So the FIB is given longer to respond to falsifying and submtting years worth of fraudulent FISA applications than the President got to challenge the House committee demanding those covered under Executive Privilege being forced testify against him could make its way through a single court.

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