Sen.Mike Lee(R-UT) Expands India-Giveaway Bill, Creates Work Permit Program – IOTW Report

Sen.Mike Lee(R-UT) Expands India-Giveaway Bill, Creates Work Permit Program


GOP Sen. Mike Lee’s (R-UT) revised S.386 Indian-giveaway bill makes a huge change in immigration law to help more than 600,000 Indians.

But Mike Lee’s bill also may allow investors to flood the white-collar labor market with at least 100,000 extra foreign college-graduate workers each year.

The complex S.386 bill was changed during closed-door negotiations with Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL). The changes favor India’s huge workforce in the United States by removing the so-called “country caps,” which were designed to encourage immigration by a diversity of nationalities. This change means that the resident population of 300,000 Indian workers and their 300,000 family members get a fast-track to green cards and citizenship.

But the bill also creates a new legal status where imported workers could get a renewable work permit once their employers help to file an I-140 request for green cards. This change would effectively give Indians and other visa workers all of the workplace benefits of U.S. citizenship while they wait years for their green cards.

The work permit change is potentially good news for employers and investors because it encourages foreign graduates to flood into U.S jobs and so push down white-collar salaries. The flood would also be good for India’s government because it could help more Indians get U.S jobs and move more U.S. jobs back to India via the shared U.S.-India Outsourcing Economy.

But skeptics say that immigration law is so complex, and migrants are so determined that even slight changes can have huge unforeseen impacts. In 2008, for example, Congress unanimously passed a law, which now allows hundreds of thousands of “Unaccompanied Alien Children” to legally travel to their illegal-immigrant “parents” in the United States.

The S.386 bill has not had a hearing or a public debate, yet it dramatically changes current law in complex ways. read more

25 Comments on Sen.Mike Lee(R-UT) Expands India-Giveaway Bill, Creates Work Permit Program

  1. Well I think it’s safe to say the Senator Lee was paid off by somebody. I’d start checking his and his families financials and phone records and email accounts.

    I worked (very briefly) with Indian programmers some years back and almost without exception they are the shit. The code is unreliable, takes three or four times as long in QA and the UAT testing is usually a nightmare. At a point you begin to wonder whether they even read the specs and can only scratch your head at the “universities” that grant them IT degrees. A friends company contracted out almost all their coding to an Indian firm and she spent the better part of the year flying back and forth between Toronto and Mumbai desperately trying to get these guys to deliver tested, quality code that actually followed the specs but despite a valiant attempt she never could. Finally the company severed it’s relationship with Mumbai.

    Unless there has been a sea change in Indian code skills all Lee’s bill is going to do is move crappy coders from India to the US and give them low paying IT jobs which, in the end, won’t save these companies a friggin dime because of the re-writes.
    When Impeachment mess is finally over and Trumps numbers skyrocket he ought to write an executive order canceling this mess. I suspect the timing by Lee is no coincidence.


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