Paul Manafort’s state fraud charges dismissed, New York judge cites double jeopardy – IOTW Report

Paul Manafort’s state fraud charges dismissed, New York judge cites double jeopardy


New York judge has dismissed a state mortgage fraud indictment against Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, citing double jeopardy laws.

Manafort, 70, was previously sentenced in a pair of federal cases earlier this year as part of former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation.

Judge Maxwell Wiley ruled that state law precludes prosecution because the criminal case was too similar to that which landed Manafort in federal prison, writing that the factual overlap between the state and federal cases “is extensive — if not total.”

Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance, Jr. said they would appeal the decision. read more

7 Comments on Paul Manafort’s state fraud charges dismissed, New York judge cites double jeopardy

  1. Someone is finally putting an end to the “let’s call it something slightly different and charge them with the same thing” trick? It’s about time.

    I have never understood how the officers in the Rodney King case were essentially acquitted the crime of beating him up, then tried in Federal Court of violating his rights — by beating him up.

    I have seen cases where someone killed somebody: one killer, one victim. The person was charged with murder AND manslaughter and a number of extra charges thrown in for good measure. Is our justice system so bad that you have to throw a potpourri of charges at someone and hope that just one of them sticks?

  2. Good. Rub that in the face of that smarmy black NY AG Leticia James, whose only goal is targeting Trump.

    Trump should pardon him so he can be home for Christmas.

    Too many ppl have had their lives ruined simply for being associated with Trump.

  3. RadioMattM

    The basic belief of the Bush Clan for 45 years is ,”Laws are for little people.” If any Bush supported the constitution they would not have put- naming the 2 worst out of what could be a list of thousands – Wise Latina (8/92)(Sotomayor) by the same debauched lib who ordered officers tried a second time; John Roberts by the degenerate who put :Brennan, Clapper et al in power to go after all Don’s folk!

    The Bushes all think they are “Great People”. Some say they are the smallest of the small!~

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