IG Horowitz Tells Senate: I Did Not Say No Political Bias in FBI Investigation – IOTW Report

IG Horowitz Tells Senate: I Did Not Say No Political Bias in FBI Investigation


Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General (IG) Michael Horowitz testified Wednesday that he never concluded there was no political bias in the FBI’s abusive investigation of officials connected to Donald Trump’s campaign.

Horowitz appeared before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee to discuss his recent report (the “IG report”) on Operation “Crossfire Hurricane,” in which he found that the FBI had misled the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in seeking warrants for the surveillance of Trump aide Carter Page. The FBI had also relied on the so-called “Steele dossier” for those warrants, even after knowing it was entirely false.

However, Horowitz also concluded that there was no “documentary or testimonial evidence” that the decision to launch the investigation was motivated by political bias. Democrats have seized on that point — even though Horowitz told the Senate Judiciary Committee that he could not rule out bias during later stages of the investigation. He reported, for example, that one FBI lawyer had altered an email from another agency (presumably the CIA) to hide the fact that Page was working for the government,

On Wednesday, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) asked Horowitz to clarify the point:

Hawley: Was it your conclusion that there was — that political bias did not affect any part of the [former FBI lawyer Lisa] Page investigation, any part of Crossfire Hurricane? Is that what you concluded?

Horowitz: We did not reach that conclusion. MORE

11 Comments on IG Horowitz Tells Senate: I Did Not Say No Political Bias in FBI Investigation

  1. ohhh so you didn’t see a an actual report saying, “we hate Trump and are biased! this is how we’ll get him!”
    But did you see all the text messages between the gummy whore and drama boy saying how much they hate Trump? Huh? Didja? Because the rest of us did, and we come to the conclusion that they hate Trump and were out to get him.

    And so now you say you DID think that they had bias, maybe next time say it a little louder and clearer for the Trump hating dummies in the back.

  2. In his first statement to the Senate, IG Horowitz said in a carefully worded statement, “no testimonial or documentary evidence of political bias”.

    No testimonial evidence: Nobody admitted it during questioning.
    No documentary evidence: Nobody admitted in written statements.

    The swamp will always take care of their own.

  3. Bull-f-ing sh-t!!! Talk about hedging your bets! What a feckless, craven sleaze! An I.G’s job is to get to the truth, not limit the damage incurred to a political party by revealing their malfeasance!


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