Maneuver: House Will Withhold Submission of Articles from Senate – IOTW Report

Maneuver: House Will Withhold Submission of Articles from Senate

CTH: Seemingly overlooked by most, when the House voted on the ‘rules of impeachment’ they removed the traditional appointment of House Managers to a later date.

Normally the House Managers would be appointed at the same time as the impeachment vote; however, by withholding the appointment House Democrats are indicating they will not immediately send articles of impeachment to the senate but will rather hold the articles as support for pending court cases toward their judicial authority.

A cunning Lawfare ploy.

As interested observers will note the House never voted to authorize the full judicial impeachment process; instead they voted to approve an inquiry into whether an impeachment should take place.  By not voting to authorize articles of impeachment the House never gained ‘judicial enforcement authority‘.  The absence of judicial authority is now working its way through the courts in various cases.

It appears the absence of appointing House impeachment managers; and the decision to withhold sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate; is now a specific design.

As the process appears to be unfolding, the Lawfare contracted lawyers representing the House: chief legal counsel Douglas Letter, Barry Berke, Norm Eisen and Daniel Goldman will now argue before the courts that all of the constitutionally contended material is required as evidence for a pending judicial proceeding, a trial in the Senate.

What the house crew have assembled is an interesting back-door attempt to position a valid claim for evidence against the accused without having first gained judicial authority for it.  The Lawfare crew will argue to the lower courts, and to SCOTUS, the blocked evidentiary material is critical evidence in a soon-to-be-held Senate trial.

The material they have been seeking is: (1) Mueller grand jury material; (2) a deposition by former White House counsel Don McGahn; and less importantly (3) Trump financial and tax records.  Each of these issues is currently being argued in appellate courts (6e and McGahn) and the supreme court (financials/taxes).

The House impeachment of President Trump succeeds in applying the label “impeached president” that was their primary political purpose. President Trump is marred with the label of an ‘impeached president’.

Now the delay in sending the articles of impeachment allows the House lawyers to gather additional evidence while the impeachment case sits in limbo. read more

41 Comments on Maneuver: House Will Withhold Submission of Articles from Senate

  1. Translation:

    1. The Senate knows the Dems don’t have anything to impeach Trump on in a trial, so the Dems are stalling and waiting for … anything. Just ANYTHING to fall into their laps. Because they have nothing. Did I mention that? lol.

    My guess is — They don’t really want to go to trial. They just wanted to wear the dunce party hats and badges that said they impeached orange man in the House.
    And I’m pretty sure Pelosi was LOADED when she announced the results.

  2. not to worry … the more these clowns play this out, the more the American people see their shenanigans

    we adults grow quite weary of the spoiled brat ranting for attention

  3. Pussies….each and every one of them.
    If you want a fight, stop hiding behind your momma’s apron strings.

    You love to talk tough, get out here and put your mouth within reach of my boot.

    Liberals are ALL pussies, the biggest thing on them is their MOUTH.

  4. McConnell needs to ignore all of it and not hold up anything because of it. There was never a valid vote to do an impeachment inquiry, which is why their subpoenas were invalid. The entire charade has long passed the point of beyond ridiculous. The swamp critters with stuff to hide in the Senate don’t want any trial anyway.

  5. The house has become irrelevant, in that the American people don’t care what they do or say. We know absolute tyranny when we see it, and we see it.
    The senate is not far behind, in fact. The supreme court is bogus. The ‘fbi/security state’ is ultra corrupt as well. The commies have done a great job of destroying everything the founders built.
    They’ll never get to enjoy it.

  6. So there really was no impeachment vote. Just more theatrics. All fake so nothing really happened but a vote of confidence either for the President or against.

    Another big “Yawn” while dems play games.

    They get weaker while we get stonger. WWG1WGA
    It’s happening.

  7. Stability in the institution begets corruption. Thus, the concept of voting in and out. The institution seeks stability, (see seniority in legislative assignments) thus seeks ability to enhance corruption for individual personal gain. Refusing to allow long tenure in office reduces corruption in elected officials. The civil service act embedded corruption in government, there is no flushing mechanism for the state.

  8. @joelpollak

    If Democrats don’t send articles of #impeachment to the Senate, Republicans can just find them in default and hold a vote to acquit the president, end of sorry story.

    9:51 PM – Dec 18, 2019

  9. Maybe hardball is being played behind the scenes but it’s time for it to be played in the wide open! It’s past time to declassify it all! It’s past time to expose the obama crime spree for what it was!

  10. Typical leftist kangaroo court antics – ignoring the sixth Amendment. Well, they can hold impeachment over President Trump forever, but he will be re-elected by a landslide in 2020.

  11. If you are a loyal Democrat, you should know that your leaders consider you to be stupid, and your “loyalty” is nothing more than unfettered stupidity in their eyes. First, we have the Democrat mantra of “the evidence is clear” – all based upon “I heard it from my uncle, who got it from his barber, who overheard a conversation in the bar” evidence. Next, we do actually have uncontroverted quid pro quo – except it’s from Joe Biden and not Donald Trump. Then we have “hearings” where the Republicans are barred from calling witnesses. Finally, we have Pelosi who may not even send over the Articles of Impeachment based upon technical legal excuses and justifications.

    More and more Americans are realizing this process for what it really is: sham and fraudulent acts designed to accomplish a coup. The Democrats jerry rigged a process designed to get Articles of Impeachment passed, and it worked – the American people understand there are now Articles of Impeachment passed. But the next step is a Senate trial; the American people will not understand why the Democrats went to all this trouble if they don’t send the Articles to the Senate. The American people will not understand the legal minutia that Pelosi and her lawyers are using to justify not sending the Articles over, and pretty soon more and more American people will start believing this process is the sham that it really is.

    The Democrats really want to win in 2020, and they are willing to come right out and openly act consistent with their belief that their constituents are the fools the Democrat leaders believe them to be.

  12. “The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.”

    The Democrats again that is, said as a Yankee.

    Regurgitate that 160 years later.

  13. The beginning of The End for Cheetolini! This is from the referenced article in this thread (the site is very well known to distribute fake news) CTH:

    “The House essentially blocks any/all impeachment activity in the Senate by denying the transfer of the articles from the House to the Senate. Additionally, the House will now impede any other Senate legislative action because the House will hold the Senate captive. Meanwhile, the Democrat presidential candidates can run against an impeached President.”

    See how easy it is for the intelligent Dems to beat the stupid rethugicans at their own game? Finally, the American people have found the one true voice with the Dem’s thoughtful and constitutional strategies. The wheels of justice grind slow but grind fine.

    Watching Trump being hoisted by his petard for all the world to see is quite satisfying. This will take down the entire Trump crime family.

    Blue-Wave Blue-Crush 2020!!

  14. The democrats have messed up. They have awakened the giant. President Trump has had his shackles removed and now the documents and other evidence is going to be revealed. Trump partied with all those accusers and he knows where the skeletons are buried.

  15. BTW, how is it a complete impeachment if Schumer is asking for witnesses in the senate trial?
    They had an impeach vote, pelosi won’t hand over the business, Schumer says he needs more witnesses and evidence. Soooo they were impeaching for practice? lol

  16. “Additionally, the House will now impede any other Senate legislative action because the House will hold the Senate captive.”

    Actually, no it won’t. Dems want some budget cash, don’t they?
    It would be a shame if…

  17. Well now there are two scenarios for the Senate in maybe the third week of January:

    a) up and down vote – move on business as usual no big deal.
    b) full trial – full exposure, everyone both sides, and that ain’t gonna happen.

    Either way is not good.


  18. Only a progressive, with little or no morals (as the name would suggest) would try to make others believe that the donkeys are in the drivers seat on this. I think Larry the liberal added a new name and started to be a little more wordy in his comments. Progressive Libertine, hard to imagine this guy is real.

  19. Charlie, I’ll be driving all around Olympia tomorrow with half a dozen Elect that MF’er, plus the Paul Revere rider with his Trump flag all over my truck. I’m curious as hell what the response will be. My wife decided not to ride with me. I just wish I could have found a good Trump Halloween mask. Wouldn’t that be funny?

  20. what a frikkin hoot! Now that is video worthy… better than driving down junction ave in Sturgis during the rally LOL. If i rode shotgun, I’d find a Pence mask…

  21. @Walter Johnson December 18, 2019 at 10:37 pm

    > there is no flushing mechanism for the state

    It’s right there, chum. It does get the floor all wet.
    (Some call that a flaw Some call it a feature.)

  22. @Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk December 18, 2019 at 10:58 pm

    > More and more Americans are realizing this process for what it really is: sham and fraudulent acts

    Wake me when Americans (as opposed to United Statesians) realize it is not the acts that are frauds and shams — but the actors and their venue.

    > they are willing to come right out and openly act consistent with their belief that their constituents are the fools the Democrat leaders believe them to be

    The Party leaders — not the Democrat leaders. There is only one Party. There can be only one Party. (For the Muh Constitusionalists: Call it the no Party — six of one, half a dozen of the same; now with less sniveling.)


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