Think Trump’s Border Policy’s Beyond the Pale? You’ll be Shocked by Another Country’s Message to Migrants and Asylum Seekers – IOTW Report

Think Trump’s Border Policy’s Beyond the Pale? You’ll be Shocked by Another Country’s Message to Migrants and Asylum Seekers


How does a nation prevent migrants and asylum seekers? The Australian government apparently asked itself that question about Sri Lankans and came up with a novel plan.

As it turns out, the South Asian island country has a keen interest in the signs of the Zodiak. Therefore, as reported by The Washington Post and first shared by BuzzFeed News, Aussie officials printed posters with phony horoscopes predicting doom and gloom for anyone trying to travel to the country.

Here they are, from BFN:

ARIES: Criminals will rip you off
If you attempt to illegally travel to Australia by boat, expect people smugglers to take advantage of you. These criminals will take your money and you will be returned to Sri Lanka with nothing.
AQUARIUS: You and your family will lose everything
If you risk everything you and your family have built together to pay for an illegal boat voyage to Australia, you will be stopped and returned to Sri Lanka. You will suffer hardship and have nothing but bad luck.
SAGITTARIUS: You will be in debt forever
If you illegally travel to Australia by boat you will be returned. Everything you risked to get there will be in vain and you will end up owing everyone.
TAURUS: You will be ashamed of your actions
If you illegally travel to Australia by boat, expect to be returned home where you will face the humiliation of failure in your community. Bad luck will strike you if you try to perform this illegal deed.
VIRGO: You will have legal problems
If you illegally travel to Australia by boat you will be stopped and returned to face the legal consequences. Going through with this illegal act will bring you nothing but bad luck and regret for your actions.

Are you deterred yet? So far, you’ve been robbed, deported, and plunged into debt. And not only that, but you’re ashamed of yourself.

Prepare for more, you unlucky immigrant: read more

10 Comments on Think Trump’s Border Policy’s Beyond the Pale? You’ll be Shocked by Another Country’s Message to Migrants and Asylum Seekers

  1. The question I have is: Are those posters actually true?

    And would they be true if America printed something similar?

    The latter question I, and most people here, can answer. I don’t know the answer to the first one.

  2. OK.
    Why would Sri Lankans want to emigrate to Australia?

    Oh, “… Sri Lanka, officially the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka …”
    Another failed socialist satrapy.
    Somebody needs to tell BS, Fauxahontas, Buttigieg, and the rest of those klowns.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Are you sure that is not from the Aussie version of the onion?…0.1..0.204.1171.5j4j1……0….1………0i71j0j0i67j0i22i30j33i299j33i22i29i30.7q_2rOBAsno#imgdii=iXutEgqRYRpO4M:&imgrc=BaxBSQEQbyIr1M:

  4. The people who feel so bad about immigration criminals are the same leftists who DIDN’T GIVE A RAT’S A$$ ABOUT THE VIETNAMESE BOAT PEOPLE.

    Communism is not healthy for children and other living things.


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