Brennan Admits ‘Mistakes’ in Trump-Russia Investigation, Whines About Politicizing Intelligence – IOTW Report

Brennan Admits ‘Mistakes’ in Trump-Russia Investigation, Whines About Politicizing Intelligence

PJM- After DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s damning report into the FBI’s abuses of the FISA process to spy on the Trump campaign in the 2016 Russia investigation, even Obama’s notoriously political former CIA Director John Brennan admitted there were “serious mistakes.” Even so, he insisted on the talking point that there was no evidence of political bias in the Obama administration’s investigation into the opposing party’s campaign.

“Well clearly, there were mistakes made based on the inspector general’s reports,” Brennan told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes. “And I know that a lot of people attribute it to either to incompetence or politicization. Well, I might just attribute it to, these were FBI agents who were doing their level best to try to prevent Russia interference in the election.”

He continued, “They were probably overly aggressive, they didn’t pay careful enough attention to some of the details, they may have ignored some aspects of the work that was uncovered. But I think the IG was very clear that politicization did not seem to creep into any aspect of their work either at the initiation of the investigation or throughout.”

Brennan was referring to the top-line finding that Horowitz “did not find documentary or testimonial evidence that political bias or improper motivation influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations.” Yet this statement does not prove there was no bias — in fact, the notorious text messages between Lisa Page and Peter Strzok reveal unmistakable bias.

Yet Brennan could not finish his interview on this point. He went on to berate Trump for supposedly politicizing the intelligence community, which is rich coming from him. read more

17 Comments on Brennan Admits ‘Mistakes’ in Trump-Russia Investigation, Whines About Politicizing Intelligence

  1. Horowitz’ job was to find facts. Unless someone expressly admits it, bias is difficult to prove with certainty, and Horowitz was careful to stick to facts which were provable through documents and testimony.

    Horowitz did not say there was no bias, and he testified to the Senate on this. But the fact that Horowitz stayed away from an express finding of bias because it is difficult to prove makes the rest of his IG report even more damning; Horowitz found fraud and misrepresentation through provable documents and testimony. Even Brennan is now saying “opps, things were done wrong.” Because Horowitz stayed within the parameters of what he was to do, the Democrats can’t attack the report as a political hit piece and it is telling that none of them are even trying to attack the report as overreaching or unsupported. The FISA warrant authorizing surveillance of Carter Page was fraudulent beyond any doubt.

    Yes, Strok and Page had damning text messages which clearly showed they hated Trump. The world, including Horowitz, knows that these jackjaws were biased, but particularly in light of Strok’s and Page’s lies that they could separate their personal beliefs from their professional work, Horowitz could not find bias in the FISA process as a matter of concrete fact. This made the rest of his factual conclusions that much stronger.

  2. I can’t think of another person I’d rather see have a firecracker jammed up his ass and light the fuse with a blow torch.
    Well, maybe Comey, but I’d use a cherry bomb on him.

    🎶 Fly me to the moon
    Let me play among the stars 🎶

  3. Brennan should be tried and executed if found guilty of the treason we suspect he has been involved in. He can stand alongside obama, pelosi, clinton, biden and kerry on the gallows.

  4. Look. Let’s be honest. We’re all retards, here. There’s two teams on the field. It’s a zero sum game. One team wins, because the other team loses. Even the deplorably retarded understand that.

    If the referees “were probably overly aggressive, they didn’t pay careful enough attention to some of the details, they may have ignored some aspects of the work that was uncovered”… they threw the game. Or, at least, they gave it the old college try. For one team. Not the other.

    And, of course, it’s “very clear that politicization did not seem to creep into any aspect of their work”. When they tried to throw the game. For one team. Not the other. If you’re smart. And en-titled. And not deplorably retarded.

  5. I’m pretty sure a mistake is when something went wrong while having the intention to do the right thing.

    Brennan and his cohorts did what their intention was, making what they did not a mistake, but rather a crime. His only self admission of a mistake is not completely covering their tracks, and not fully succeeding, at least not yet.

  6. Fritz,

    He will not escape, JD has already requested his CIA records.

    These insufferably self righteous arbiters of ethics and morality are being criminally investigated, every lie out of this commies mouth is desperate panicked projection.

  7. I don’t think The Rambunctious Kids defense works for sworn FBI agents in their 40s to 60s does it?

    That excitement, curiosity and natural wonder only applied to one campaign though, right?

    And if they were indeed concerned about campaign workers being Russian agents, then they surely would have reached out to the candidate to let him know they should be fired, right?

    And not just responded by creating fake intelligence briefings so one candidate got one report and the other got a highly edited / false one.

    It seems to be very intentional “mistakes”.


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