NJ Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signs law letting illegals get driver’s licenses – IOTW Report

NJ Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signs law letting illegals get driver’s licenses


New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill on Thursday allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses, making the Garden State the 14th state in the country, along with the District of Columbia, to enact such a measure.

“Expanding access to driver’s licenses is critical for the safety of New Jerseyans and a step toward building a stronger and fairer New Jersey for all,” Murphy said.

Murphy, a Democrat, signed the bill after it was approved by the Democratic majorities in both the state Assembly and Senate, during their final legislative sessions of the year.

“The legislation advanced on the Assembly floor and by the Senate today is fair and responsible,” Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin, a Democrat, told The Wall Street Journal. “It brings us one step closer to ensuring all motor vehicles and drivers are insured, thereby creating safer roadways for all New Jersey residents.” read more

16 Comments on NJ Gov. Phil Murphy (D) signs law letting illegals get driver’s licenses

  1. I’ll be damned. In TN, we are having to get a notarized copy of our birth certificate to obtain our fancy REAL ID approved driver’s license. I guess if I came here on a floating door I’d just get one handed to me.

  2. It seems to vary not only from state to state, but from polling place to polling place as well.
    Here in my area it goes from not having to present anything to being asked for two forms of picture ID! I don’t understand why there isn’t a single National standard (at least for national elections) and if there is, why isn’t it enforced! Enforcement should be the top priority right now since it is a foregone conclusion on the part of anyone smarter than Jackass Joe that democRATs are going to pull out ALL the stops when it comes to voter fraud next year! We’d better get a handle on how to take care of the fraud or we are going to get buried by it!

  3. ID proving citizenship required!

    Every stack of vote forms go through a sequestered off-line machine, to vet the count of the working machines.

    Votes??? Hard copy, stored properly, transported properly, and no boxes from “lost and found” or mysteriously located in Joe’s trunk. All electronic vote counting devices are suspect, should be sampled.

    But then, my imagined world is unrealistic, Sad.

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