AUDIO: Officer pleads for his life, telling driver, ‘I have kids,’ as he clings to car windshield at 80 mph – IOTW Report

AUDIO: Officer pleads for his life, telling driver, ‘I have kids,’ as he clings to car windshield at 80 mph

WaEx: What started as an off-duty police officer’s attempt to stop a hit-and-run suspect ended with him hanging from the windshield of a car, begging for his life as the car barreled ahead.

Police officer Chris Jordan, 37, an officer in Montgomery County, Maryland, appeared in court alongside 25-year-old Denai Holly, the suspect in the hit-and-run who was sentenced on Tuesday to five years in prison for the assault, according to the Washington Post.

During Tuesday’s sentencing, both Jordan and Holly spoke about the series of events that led to her arrest. Audio of the terror-stricken officer, clinging from Holly’s car as it reached speeds up to 80 mph, was also played for the court to hear.

The incident happened more than a year ago in December 2018. Holly had just finished her overnight shift at a United States Postal Service facility and was on her way home to her children, aged 1, 2, and 8, when she hit another car and fled the scene. Jordan, who was off-duty and driving a van behind her, witnessed the entire thing and called 911. red more

22 Comments on AUDIO: Officer pleads for his life, telling driver, ‘I have kids,’ as he clings to car windshield at 80 mph

  1. …we had a LEO who stopped a 12 year old joyrider, then reached in to get the keys. The kid panicked, threw it in gear, the officer got tangled in the seatbelt or held by the kid, and dragged to his death.

    But not before he shot the kid dead.

    People suck. LEOS need to be very aware of staying out of places that can end them. No reaching in and no standing in front. Always have an escape route, or the NEXT person may not stop.

  2. You NEVER reach inside a car to detain a suspect, EVER. This isn’t TV kids, there are several things that can happen and they are all bad. Who’s training these kids? Oh yeah, their politically correct, affirmative action, socially aware Chiefs.

  3. …you always have to allow for the potential of death, whatever the situation, with ANY emergency.
    Because people suck.

    We got called to a fire once where a guy set his own downstairs on fire, then went upstairs, called 911, hung up, and got his rifle out to shoot at responders. Why? Because, crazy, is why.

    Happily, he was a sucky shot, and being in a burning house didn’t help him. He lived cause je saned up long enough to drop the shit and jump out, but the house was a mess.

    …point being, it’s on YOU to expect people to suck, and guide yourself accordingly. Otherwise, well, sometimes you’re the windshield, sometimes you’re the bug…

  4. During my sons career as a LEO In a city near Ferguson MO he was the SGT on duty backing up a rookie on what looked like a routine traffic stop.

    Turns out the driver was a Chicago gang enforcer felon with active warrants sent down to keep the local thugs in line.. He started to gun the car away and the rook did what rooms do, he tried to grab the keys and steering wheel.

    The perp aimed the car at my son while dragging the rookie officer and my boy promptly shot him. This was just after Ferguson and what were previously good shoot protocols got tossed out the window.

    He was the youngest officer ever to make SGT in his city and set the record for most clean arrests in city history, he was a bang up Serpico who was sidelined to a desk for six months because the hands up, don’t shoot bullshit took that long to resolve.

    He was completely cleared but the posturing of city politicians putting pressure on his Chief and LT made his life so miserable he left a career he loved.

    He’s the boss of a major industrial plant now so things worked out alright for him but PC politicians cost the city the best cop they ever had.

  5. DjKinko DECEMBER 20, 2019 AT 1:16 PM
    “She has the best defense counsel ever and it doesn’t cost her a cent: the accusation of ‘RACISM’!”

    …the Police Officer I cite above that was dragged to his death by a 12 year old was Black, as was the child, but this had racial repercussions anyway, because in that PARTICULAR year, there had been several Police shootings of Black people, with at least one of them being pretty questionable, and it was thrown on the bonfire of “Cincinnati having such a racist culture that even the Black cops shoot Black children”.

    It’s not as well-known nationally as, say, Ferguson, but this incident was about one officer-involved shooting away from Black people dragging random White people out of their cars on Vine street and beating them, riots with attendant burning and mayhem and looting, City Council meetings with Black activists looming over the seated council people threateningly DURING the meetings on television, and a city Police Force so paralyzed that the County Sheriff had to come into the City to restore order.

    This led to a consent decree that hampered the Police Force for over a decade, including racial balance pullover quotas and citizen contact cards, and that STILL has reverberations in a MUCH smaller city with some neighborhoods that are STILL no-go zones.

    …ALL Police contact with Black people is inherently racist, regardless of the race of the officer. So sayeth the Democrats.

    …and this was, while not CAUSED, certainly FED by a LEO making a poor choice that he should have had both training and common sense to know better than to do. about the Butterfly Effect…

  6. I have kids

    If you’re not concerned enough about them, to not take up arms against the enemies of The State, The State’s enemies should concern themselves with them, why?

  7. This is obviously a racist incident. The poor “postal” employee was just trying to go fast enough to blow the obstruction off her windshield so she could see and wouldn’t endanger any more vehicles on the road.

  8. A week or so ago, a female LEO in Houston got run over by a Dindoo Nuttin. She died. I’d bet you a dollar to a donut that she stepped in front of the car to stop it when he attempted to flee. She was survived by her sixteen year old son and her wife. If you have kids, respect them enough to not put yourself into dangerous situations.


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