Report: Durham Is Seeking John Brennan’s Emails And Call Logs – IOTW Report

Report: Durham Is Seeking John Brennan’s Emails And Call Logs

Daily Caller: U.S Attorney John Durham is seeking the emails, call logs and other communications of former CIA Director John Brennan as part of a broad investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, according to a report.

The New York Times, citing three sources familiar with the matter, reported that Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, is looking at the role that Brennan played in assessing that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election specifically to help Donald Trump.

Durham also wants to know about Brennan’s views of the Steele dossier, the Democrat-funded opposition research that alleged a “well-developed conspiracy of co-operation” between the Trump campaign and Russian government. more

16 Comments on Report: Durham Is Seeking John Brennan’s Emails And Call Logs

  1. Although there are several mud-covered bad actors in this whole malevolent affair, Brennan is by far the biggest cheese and most worthy of an orange jumpsuit. He is the same bozo that bandied about words like “traitor” and “treason” after the election in trying to wrap his puny brain around the fact that his girl actually lost.

    I still stand by my claim that no one is going to jail, but Durham is now my new Santa, his bag stuffed with evidence of criminality and wrongdoing by those alleged protectors of democracy, expose them.

    OT, what’s up with all the spam? Can’t these people have their IP address blocked?

  2. Rich — of course no one is going to jail. It’s all an act to keep us good people hoping that there really is a justice system left in this country.

    It’s all going to blow up anyway, regardless of which way the election goes in November, if it lasts that long.

  3. …no worries, I’m sure Mueller already got them.

    And destroyed them.

    That was the REAL point of the Mueller “investigation”. Democrats were panicked because they had gotten sloppy and overconfident, and now it was too late to hide the evidence.

    Then they made some stuff up so they could give a guy UNLIMITED power to collect that SAME evidence, claiminig it was to investigate Trump.

    They were unquestioned and used Nazi tactics to inspire fear OF questioning them, and used ONLY true believers to do the collecting.

    We’ll never know WHAT they took, so we’ll never know what they DESTROYED.

    That was it’s purpose, and it worked like a treat. Smearing the President was just a bonus.

    …so, unless Brennan kept copies in his sock drawer Mueller didn’t know about, his secrets are safely desstroyed, so on to the next Trump impeachment…

  4. Brennan will learn why Hillary used a private server. All of Brennan e-mails will be backed up on a Gov server as per Federal Law.

    The only questions is this: are there any in D.C. who have the will to prosecute? Enough already and start with the 6 am FBI raids on private homes, the prep walks and unlike Schift’s Star Chamber trail against Trump I want cameras like unto OJ in the court room when Comey, Brennan, Hillary and the rest have their day in court.

    Supernightshade- great dig from the past. Find out what the statute of limitations are and if Sandy Burgerler can be charged throw him against a wall why we are at it. I say we go full Michelle Corleone on them. Settle all business from as far back as the law will allow to today.

  5. Seeking call logs???

    If Brennan was still office he would have already gotten FISA warrants on any reporters that talked to him and tapped everyone’s phones before backchanneling info gleaned from private convos to Schiff to leak to the media.


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