Missing Surveillance Footage Near Jeffrey Epstein’s Jail Cell Has Been Found – IOTW Report

Missing Surveillance Footage Near Jeffrey Epstein’s Jail Cell Has Been Found

Breitbart: Prosecutors have told a judge that missing security footage from outside deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s New York City prison cell has been located, CNBC reported Friday.

Prosecutors said the video had been “preserved” by Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) at a prior request from attorneys for Epstein’s previous cellmate, according to the news outlet. The cellmate, accused killer and former police officer Nicholas Tartaglione, claims he helped save Epstein’s life after the disgraced financier attempted suicide on July 23.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York said in a Thursday court filing that prosecutors “confirmed with MCC [jail] staff that the Video was preserved by MCC staff upon defense counsel’s request in July 2019.”

21 Comments on Missing Surveillance Footage Near Jeffrey Epstein’s Jail Cell Has Been Found

  1. Side note: We need some new terms for digital tech. I’m tired of reading/hearing that somebody “taped” something with his phone. And what does “footage” mean when you’re recording to a flash drive or SD card?

  2. … it was further noted that ‘outside Epstein’s cell’ may be defined loosely as possibly not being on the ‘same floor’ as ‘Epstein’s cell’ & may even be considered ‘across the block’ from ‘Epstein’s cell’, possibly being ‘down the street’, ‘around the corner’, ‘in the same neighborhood’, the ‘same borough’, the ‘same city’, ‘state’, ‘country’ & ‘global hemisphere’ … that is all

  3. Drag this shit out long enough with little to no facts and they’ll be trying to persuade us that Epstein had a massive gastrointestinal attack and he ended up farting himself into oblivion.

  4. Actually, the latest deep fake video editing stuff leaves me doubting any video I see being used as evidence of something.

    That fake recording used in that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie The Running Man is now a reality in the everyday covert world, and most people aren’t even aware of it yet.

  5. Security video of this type should be set up to auto archive backups on a separate server on a regular basis, but it’s juuuuuuuuuuust a little hard to believe that select footage (a file) designated as evidence wouldn’t be backed up multiple times!

  6. Imagine how different the “Ukraine Phone Call” Deep State impeachment attack would have turned out if they’d made the transcript get “lost”. That shit would already be in the Senate, and the usual RINOs would be turning their coats.

    Now that they know that Trump will “check the transcript, Candy” and show the world the truth, there will be no records to counter their lies in the next impeachment scheme. He who controls the data, controls the narrative.

  7. One of my jobs is to edit audio (sermons) for broadcast on radio or the internet. I can make the pastor say things he didn’t say and you’d never know that wasn’t the original speech. I have no doubt that there are people who can do that with video. Anonymous DECEMBER 21, 2019 AT 6:32 AM is correct to doubt the veracity of any video footage they see. Audio on radio news reports should be listened to with the same skepticism.

  8. That’s right.A vid can be produced of you
    and me robbing a bank.All they need is your
    retina scan and short vid of us and our gait
    as we walk… HI-TECH is a mean master. Wait
    till you see what they have 3 years from now.


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