Dulis: Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin’s Mass Murder – IOTW Report

Dulis: Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin’s Mass Murder


Millions of American Christians learned that they are, in fact, disloyal to God and to the Ten Commandments because of President Donald Trump, thanks to Thursday’s blockbuster op-ed from Christianity Today and its editor-in-chief Mark Galli.

Reading this piece, I was struck not only by the acceptance of dishonest narratives from corporate media but its contempt for believers who prefer Trump to govern them over the woke crowd — those evangelists whose dogmas on gender, abortion, and socialism provide much condemnation and no hope for atonement.

And yet, those issues are dwarfed substantially by the stunning hypocrisy of Galli’s judgment on the Deplorables — but more on that later.

“[W]e have done our best to give evangelical Trump supporters their due, to try to understand their point of view, to see the prudential nature of so many political decisions they have made regarding Mr. Trump,” Galli writes, after saying that said Trump supporters have tarnished their “witness to your Lord and Savior” by choosing one unsaved man who pays lip service to God over other unsaved candidates who pay lip service to God.

Note the admission here: “We,” CT‘s editorial staff, have tried to understand the “they” of Trump supporters. That phrasing — us and them — indicates there are no Trump supporters among CT‘s editorial staff, a shocking figure considering that roughly 80% of self-identified evangelicals voted for the man over Hillary Clinton (CT has its own article downplaying the phenomenon).

With that framework established, we proceed to a number of thought-killing clichés about Trump’s character:

  • “He has hired and fired a number of people who are now convicted criminals…”
  • “His Twitter feed alone—with its habitual string of mischaracterizations, lies, and slanders—is a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost…”
  • “The impeachment hearings have illuminated the president’s moral deficiencies for all to see…”
  • “This damages the institution of the presidency, damages the reputation of our country…”

Check Your Blind Spots

However, Galli has no moral authority to make this judgment on political preferences. Just a few years before this missive, Galli authored a lionizing biography of Karl Barth (pictured, inset) — a neo-orthodox theologian (e.g., believed that Christ did rise from the dead but the eyewitnesses did not record it accurately) and avowed socialist who excused Josef Stalin’s “totalitarian atrocities” due to the “positive intention” of the Marxist world view. more here

14 Comments on Dulis: Christianity Today Editor Champions Theologian Who Excused Stalin’s Mass Murder

  1. Don’t allow yourself to be deceived, we are in the age of great deceit and apostasy which is in the beginning of the fulfillment of the prophecies.

    Always weigh what you hear said in the name of Christ against the words of the Bible and of Christ.

    That is how you discriminate the Truth that comes from Christ from the lies that come from Satan.

  2. “any one can claim to be a Christian but the litmus test is abortion
    if you are not all out against it then you are not a Christian”


    God’s only litmus test is faith in the gospel of His grace, 1 Corinthians 15:3-4.

    Abortion is murder and will be judged as such. But to make that the deciding factor in who is and isn’t Christ’s is salvation by works (the work being not committing infanticide) and so is a false gospel.

    Beware of setting up your own litmus tests…read Galatians 1:8-9.

  3. Totally agree, bill. Anyone who condones Abortion is either a psychopath or a sociopath; we need to pray they’ll seek treatment, and then ‘go and sin no more’. BTW, grool, it is our DUTY to be fruit-pickers.

  4. “BTW, grool, it is our DUTY to be fruit-pickers.”

    No it isn’t. I’m ex-Baptist, ex-Calvinist, I know all about self-appointed fruit inspectors. They’re big on judging other’s salvation based on behavior, not so much for introspection. But God looks on the heart.

    “you cannot really believe in the gospel if you countenance abortion can you?”

    I would suspect probably not…but a whole lot of sins were being tolerated in the Corinthian church and yet Paul assumed all of them were saved because he knew the gospel they believed. Even the guy fornicating with his own mother, Paul rebuked but never said he wasn’t saved.

    See, when salvation is by grace through faith ALONE, without works to get or stay saved, then behavior-based litmus tests can be deceptive because believers can and do sin, sometimes grievously. There was no sacrifice to atone for David’s adultery; by the Law, he should have been put to death. But God had mercy upon him. Such is grace.

    But make no mistake: God is not mocked. What believers sow, they’ll reap.

  5. Works are also hated by God (when done to earn or maintain His grace) because even the wickedest of the unsaved can still do ALL manner of good works out of the energy of their lost flesh. Even atheists, who’d laugh in Christ’s face, have done lots of humanly wonderful things that have improved the world. They’re bound for Hell but the undiscerning will wonder “Just how bad can they be?” on the basis of the good works the God haters do.

    Result in Christendom: ecumenism, where “God” becomes whatever religious people happen to agree on based not on truth but on how nice the members are to each other.

  6. Jesus warned us to be careful of those who
    claim to speak in His name.
    Here is a closed minded individual who ignores
    that President Trump has done more to fight
    abortion, free unjustly imprisoned, foiled the
    Kenyan’s federal government grab to control
    churches requiring paying for those abortions
    and demanding churches marry homosexuals
    than ANY other President.
    Actions. Not Words. As the Bible says:
    “By their acts shall ye know them.”
    This fool has stepped in on the side of evil.
    Listen to what he claims at your souls peril.

  7. An elderly pastor attended a meeting in the late 1950s. He tells that a leader of evangelicals at the time basically laid it out that they were going to move away from Bible belief in favor of ecumenism. That explains what happened to Billy Graham around the same time.

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