Iceland Buried in 30 foot Snowfall – IOTW Report

Iceland Buried in 30 foot Snowfall

The biggest snowstorm in recorded memory has hit Iceland.

27 Comments on Iceland Buried in 30 foot Snowfall

  1. One of the paradoxes of Globaloney Warming is that the world gets colder.
    See, the heat all slides down to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.
    But you gotta be a learned Lysenko-ist “scientist” to understand.
    If you studied any of that regular (boring white-Jew-paternalistic) Physics you’d never be able to discern the subtleties of globaloneyist propagandistic bullshittistic paradoxology pseudo-scientific climate crap.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. It is the direct fault of the smelly American Trump voter. Your systemic racism, heteronormative patriarchy, stealing indigenous people’s resources has caused Mother Nature to go onto Global Menopause!
    Hot flashes are corrected with tens of meters of snow!
    Glaciers will develop in new and interesting places.
    Sea Ice will hazard the shipping lanes.
    We have gotten on her last nerve and she’s going to freeze us out.
    There simply isn’t enough trees in all the land to build enough fires to keep us all warm now that she’s setting the thermostat way down.

  3. White Scandinavians buried in a 30 foot snowfall?

    If there are any Africans in Iceland, they will stand out conspicuously. They will be the only people anyone will find.

    Look for the black dots in the white landscape!

  4. Looks as if they also have idiots living there = the clip of the young man in skinny jeans and a hoodie, only sneakers on his feet trying to walk against the wind and sliding.

  5. I fantasize that someone will kidnap that scowling 16 year old Swede, take her to Iceland, make her build an igloo, force her to live in it, and give her only popsicles to eat.

  6. Greta is pissed that she could not continue her 1st class train ride to Iceland to bitch about global climate changes will cause the world to end, how dare Mother Nature prove she is an IDIOT!!!!!! again….

  7. I visited Iceland for several months in 1980. Iceland is basically a lava formed island. Free heat due to underground volcano activity. Warms all the land from below. If it snowed (Oct – Dec) it melted by noon on the streets due to the underground sewer pipes being kept warm by sulfuric smelling hot water. Also demanded their entire Parliament resign after the story about national leaders having off-shore account back in ’08.


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