Illegal Migrants Not Welcome in Islamic Bosnia – IOTW Report

Illegal Migrants Not Welcome in Islamic Bosnia

RAIR: The staff from Informant, a popular Hungarian investigative news program, returned to Bosnia and filmed a shocking report on the country’s harsh migration situation. A reporter visited several government funded as well as illegal immigrant camps in Bosnia, and talked to the residents there.

Bosnia is a mostly Islamic country, but interestingly, the locals are not happy about their communities being flooded with illegals from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Violent crimes committed by undocumented male migrants funded by mysterious international money-transfer companies are increasing.

Murder, rapes, abuse and assault against each other, local people and animals are now commonplace and have increased by nearly 40% in two years.

According to a local police officer, migrants continue to receive money – allegedly from their families – but this cannot be verified. The Bosnian government like most Western European countries has been unable or unwilling to stop the lucrative George Soros backed, NGO human trafficking organizations reported to be funding illegal migrants; MORE

4 Comments on Illegal Migrants Not Welcome in Islamic Bosnia

  1. Although I never wish ill will on anyone (sure is tempting though) I can’t help but wonder how much better this world would be if Soros was unceremoniously sent to hell by an errant bus running over his useless butt. He just might be the most malevolent person on the planet.

  2. I’ve been to Bosnia four different times, the last time in 20007. The Bosniaks (Bosnian muslims) are Slavic, not of mid-eastern descent. They are very westernized, most know English, and are the most agreeable people to deal with among the ethnic groups (Croation & Serbian). I always felt the safest in the muslim controlled areas and would sometimes receive special treatment because I was American (we pretty much saved their asses from the Serbs). It’s a very poor country and the effects of the war are just now wearing off so I can understand why they, like other countries, do not want a hostile parasitical force invading their land.


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