Trump gives us back our light bulbs – IOTW Report

Trump gives us back our light bulbs

American Thinker- By Monica Showalter

Score another million votes for President Trump in the coming 2020 election.

The president has gotten rid of a despicable little micromanaging regulation left over from the Obama era, restoring the citizens’ right to buy the light bulbs that fit their preferences and needs. According to The Hill:

“Today the Trump Administration chose to protect consumer choice by ensuring that the American people do not pay the price for unnecessary overregulation from the federal government,” Brouillette said in a statement. “Innovation and technology are already driving progress, increasing the efficiency and affordability of light bulbs, without federal government intervention. The American people will continue to have a choice on how they light their homes.”

Blocking the standards flies in the face of congressional intent, critics say, citing a 2007 act signed into law by President George W. Bush that requires all everyday bulbs to use 65 percent less energy than regular incandescent bulbs, which currently constitute about half of the bulb market.

How the swamp harrumphed! And it certainly was the first time ever that they have defended President Bush. Here are some choice headlines from the offended: more

15 Comments on Trump gives us back our light bulbs

  1. FYI a 100 watt incandescent bulb can keep you from freezing to death in sub-zero temperatures. Good for heat in a dog coop, beneath the floor boards with a tin heat shield.

  2. I believe, if memory serves, Congress could’ve stopped this crap back in the Ryan Speakership, but refused to rescind it

    you can still get 40-100 Watt bulbs, but they are all Chinese-made (because the law only applied to US-made bulbs … quite globalist of our ‘representatives’, huh?)

    now, LED’s are cheap & much more efficient … Edison-type incandescents are becoming a thing of the past, regardless

  3. I love the old lightbulbs!

    The new bulbs are so hard on the eyes and some have an almost invisible flicker that can bring on eye fatigue and even migraines.

    Thank you, Mr. President, for paying attention to the small things in our lives

  4. Unless you know the right kelvin temp of the new led bulbs you will get really bad lighting. 2700 degrees kelvin is soft white like the old bulbs, anything above and the light is bright and starts to turn blue,just look at any street light that has been changed to led lighting from sodium or mercury vapor.

  5. Here is the funny part. Light bulbs are used more hours in the winter because there are more hours of darkness. It is colder in the winter. So, winter incandescent light bulb use contributes to heating your home. If you only have LED lightbulbs you have to run your furnace longer to make up for the less heat output of the LED bulb. Libtard unintended consequences are a bitch.

  6. ensuring that the American people do not pay the price for unnecessary overregulation from the federal government

    The paper pushers (yes, the actual cubicle drones) were marched to the back garden wall? And mulched?

    Oh!? That’s not who we are? So they were dropped? Not “fired”? Not “allowed to retire”? Gone. Today. No severance. Absolutely no pension. No medical in perpetuity for anyone they splashed genetic material on?

    Still no? Then how are Americans not paying for this (past, current, and eternal future) United States’ “activity”?


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