Schiffty Psychopath – IOTW Report

Schiffty Psychopath

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

Fresh from his impeachment stunt, House Intelligence committee chairman Adam Schiff comes off as an amazing creep in the aftermath.

Asked about the recent Horowitz report’s findings on Carter Page, a young Trump advisor who was illegally spied upon, Schiff said he had no sympathy.

Here’s the Fox News account:

In an interview clip released on Friday, “Firing Line” host Margaret Hoover read quotes from Page about how the Russia probe had such a negative impact, including how the FBI spying into his life “ruined his good name” and that he will “never completely have his name restored.”

“I have to say, you know, Carter Page came before our committee and for hours of his testimony, denied things that we knew were true, later had to admit them during his testimony,” Schiff responded. “It’s hard to be sympathetic to someone who isn’t honest with you when he comes and testifies under oath. It’s also hard to be sympathetic when you have someone who has admitted to being an adviser to the Kremlin.”

Which is a doozy. What happened to Page was an outrage, an unmistakeably grave abuse of government power as mendacious FISA warrants were enacted to spy on innocent and cooperative person. Even people who dislike President Trump can pretty naturally recognize that Page’s constitutional rights on unreasonable searches and seizures was violated.

Not Schiff, though. All he could emit was stone heartlessness for the man whose good name was ruined by abuses of government power, revealing an utter absence of empathy. At first glance, Schiff came off sounding like a psychopath. read more

16 Comments on Schiffty Psychopath

  1. We’ve busted the scam: obama, pelosi, biden, clinton, romney, kerry etc are looting US foreign aid to the Ukraine, Haiti and the like, by extorting the money back to their pockets, via their families.

    Does schiff get any????????????????????????????????

  2. Exophthalmic Adam should retire from politics and find something less abhorrent and damaging to do with his time. A significant step up for him would be something like fencing toys stolen from an orphanage.

    If he simply must retain some degree of power over others, maybe he could get elected to a home owners’ association somewhere in the district that was crazy-evil enough to elect the bastard.

  3. speaking of aid to Haiti … PDT just signed the ‘continuing resolution’ (unconstitutional; but that’s another subject) that throws away $21 mill of taxpayer $$$ to that cesspool

  4. The founders wrote and approved the second amendment with future emergence of concentrations of people like Adam Shifftyeyes in mind. Abusers of political power, who are anti-liberty, and not brought under control by the system & institutions charged with that duty. But hopefully they ultimately work, and we are only lacking enough patience.

  5. Adam,
    This reply is to your letter requesting certain items this Christmas.
    To the business at hand. First, I will not testify before the House committee trying to impeach the President. Second, here at the North Pole we don’t handle or deliver sex toys.
    Now, with that out of the way. According to my list you’ve been a bad, nasty, hateful, little bastard this year. You’ve have tried unsuccessful to bully that nice man Trump and his supporters.
    To make this as clear as possible, you won’t be getting a visit from me this year; but, the DOJ is looking into your hostile illegal activities and hopefully they will be visiting you soon.
    Santa Clause

    P.S. The subpoena that I have been served with is not enforceable, as that information is covered by executive privilege.

  6. Any glance into those bug eyes confirm Satan staring back at you, same with Pelosi and all her crew of ugly bastards and bitches…

    If you can’t see the demonic possession of these meat sacks you ain’t looking. The resistance is to God not PDJT, he is Gods point man on patrol into the jungle of the deep state global cabal.


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