CNN Claims Trump Opposes Russia Sanctions—as He Signed New Sanctions Into Law – IOTW Report

CNN Claims Trump Opposes Russia Sanctions—as He Signed New Sanctions Into Law


Despite the fact that the whole Trump-Russia narrative was thoroughly and expensively debunked with the Mueller investigation, the media still seems desperate to suggest that Trump is in cahoots with Russia. CNN literally ran two stories claiming that Trump was “balking” at new sanctions against Russia over their 2016 election interference and annexation of Crimea around the same time Trump signed brand new tough sanctions on firms assisting Russia with finishing a pipeline into the European Union. read more

4 Comments on CNN Claims Trump Opposes Russia Sanctions—as He Signed New Sanctions Into Law

  1. I don’t want to frighten anyone, but I just heard that President Trump might be a Russian asset. It must be true because I heard it on the TV while waiting at the airport.


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