Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners – IOTW Report

Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners

Daily caller: As if Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s wholesale attack on law-abiding gun owners wasn’t enough, the disgraced public official and his Michael Bloomberg-bought allies in the General Assembly now want the state’s hard-working taxpayers to foot the bill for their unconstitutional schemes. The budget bill (HB30) includes an appropriation of a quarter million dollars to carry out a host of gun control measures that Northam and his anti-gun allies hope to enact.

The $250,000 is appropriated to the Corrections Special Reserve Fund in order to provide for the “increase in the operating cost of adult correctional facilities resulting from the enactment” of Northam’s gun control measures. Among the enumerated laws that this allocation is meant to fund is a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms, the criminalization of private firearms transfers, and gun confiscation orders issued without due process.

Aside from the insult of forcing law-abiding Virginia taxpayers to pay for the diminution of their rights, the gun control allocation is a severe waste of resources. Northam’s Bloomberg-backed gun control measures will not make Virginia safer.

In additional to being unconstitutional, a ban on commonly-owned semi-automatic firearms will not reduce violent crime. keep reading

29 Comments on Virginia Governor Northam Increases Corrections Budget In Anticipation Of Jailing Gun Owners

  1. The only people to be made safer by Herr Norton are the shock troops of the DNC. The only reason they can’t riot and destroy our homes is for fear of our firearms. Herr Norton is seeking to ban all firearms that are commonly used for self defense so that we can’t resist the BLM and Antifa Free Shit Armiies

  2. The way Virginia goes in this is the way the entire US will eventually be going.

    One side wins, the other loses.

    We’ll probably see which is which fairly soon.

    Do you think it will it be a non violent civil resolution or not?

    The Governor doesn’t seem to want it to be. and talks like he is willing to go to any extreme to get his way.

  3. If you believe that the invaders that attack, should be allowed to regroup, after their failed assault… you will not be missed.

    General suffrage: safer for the rest of us, with fewer… some kind of “-otic”… let’s call it “patriotic”… “participants”.

  4. There are lots of ‘marksmen’ in them thar hills of Virginia who have no fear of weekend warriors and rent a cops. It’s time for Trump to call Northam out by name as an enemy of the nation.

  5. One of the recurring methods of oppression is the broad criminalization of society. The obligation of self-defense being one of the more basic – even a rat will defend itself – an amoeba – a tapeworm – a rose – and to try to eliminate that is anti-nature as well as anti-American. Virginians will (probably) do what Virginians have done for a couple of hundred years – and (eventually) eliminate the maggots in Richmond who aim at tyranny. NoVa may be a hotbed of nihilistic totalitarian sycophancy, but the rest of Virginia, not so much.
    Virgil Caine still lives around Danville.

    But, we shall see.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Northam is goading the citizens and doing everything he can to instigate a Waco style showdown just to prove the need for confiscation on a nationwide basis. If civilians, LEOs and Nat’l Guardsmen have to die, so be it. The guns MUST be taken away from the citizens.

  7. @mickey moussaoui December 25, 2019 at 9:59 am

    > There are lots of ‘marksmen’ in them thar hills of Virginia who have no fear of weekend warriors and rent a cops. It’s time for Trump to call Northam out by name as an enemy of the nation.

    Because you’re claiming that such “marksmen” both exist, and are capable of communicating beyond grunts? Really? That’s your story, and… you’re not even claiming you “Just heard it on CNN. In an airport lobby.”? Really?

  8. I think the left made a real bad choice choosing VA as the state to start the forced disarmament of good people. The people of VA aren’t famous for complying with laws that they see as tyrannical.

  9. @Bitter Klinger December 25, 2019 at 11:33 am

    > aren’t famous for complying with laws that they see as tyrannical

    We have a “winner”!

    They will continue advancing the causes of tyrants, because they already advance the causes of tyrants. Same causes, new day. After day. Same as it ever is. They are. Who. They are.

  10. As often happens politicians create a bogeyman out of the wrong thing, on purpose while knowing better, for an excuse to disarm the citizens, to reduce risk to themselves pushing unpopular, often tyrannical policies. .

    “Believe it or not, between 2007 and 2017, nearly 1,700 people were murdered with a knife or sharp object per year. That’s almost four times the number of people murdered by an assailant with any sort of rifle.”

    Hopefully, one of the following 2 options is successful in Va. .

    Constitution of Virginia Article IV. Legislature Section 17. Impeachment .

  11. It won’t be a civil war. When a government steps in and implement blatant authoritarianism and the people fight for their rights that’s called a revolutionary war.


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