House Dems Say They Might Pursue New Impeachment Articles. Lindsey Graham Hits Back: ‘Time to Cut Them Off’ – IOTW Report

House Dems Say They Might Pursue New Impeachment Articles. Lindsey Graham Hits Back: ‘Time to Cut Them Off’

RedState: House Democrats have infuriated Republicans with the suggestion that they might pursue new impeachment articles against President Donald Trump.

Democrats raised the possibility during a court fight over their effort to compel the testimony of former White House Counsel Don McGahn.

From Fox News:

Democrats originally sought McGahn’s testimony in connection with his claims to then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team that Trump wanted him to have Mueller fired. Trump’s critics claimed this request constituted obstruction of justice.

While the Mueller probe never factored into the impeachment articles that were adopted, House Democrats’ counsel Douglas Letter argued that McGahn’s testimony is still vital — and could even be relevant to “consideration of whether to recommend additional articles of impeachment” against Trump.

“If McGahn’s testimony produces new evidence supporting the conclusion that President Trump committed impeachable offenses that are not covered by the Articles approved by the House, the Committee will proceed accordingly—including, if necessary, by considering whether to recommend new articles of impeachment,” the brief stated, noting that they still have “ongoing impeachment investigations.”

In other words, why they subpoenaed him is moot to begin with but they just want to go on another fishing expedition in the hope they can find something. Not to mention executive privilege and attorney-client privilege.

But once again, Democrats are suggesting that fighting their witch hunt in court is somehow obstruction, a ridiculous claim that denies the president his basic rights.

Democrats also suggested that they might include or pursue new impeachment action if they are able to get the secret grand jury material from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation through court action.

The suggestion that they might pursue new impeachment actions angered Republicans who already were calling Democrats out for manipulating the process by sitting on the articles of impeachment and not passing them on to the Senate. read more

14 Comments on House Dems Say They Might Pursue New Impeachment Articles. Lindsey Graham Hits Back: ‘Time to Cut Them Off’

  1. Did Trump say he wanted to fire Mueller? Yes.

    Did Trump fire Mueller? No.

    How many people have said the wanted to kill the President? That seems a bit more serious but nothing has happened to those people.

  2. Prior to the US Civil War the North & South had 2 leading classes of Slaves, House Slaves & Field Slaves.
    Substituting DNC & Dem Congressional leaders for the Ante-Bellum Slave owners, the equation continues today.
    The Field Slave are represented by those voting democrat, partly out of fear that once master, who tells them this daily, is gone it will all get worse………

  3. Time to Cut Them Off

    How? Exactly. No “Step 2: and then a miracle happens”. How do they shut it down? And in such way, that they’re willing to set precedent that will last, at least, as long as The Notorious RBG is allowed to continue making a mockery of their “impeachment prerogative”?

  4. Hopefully, the American people aren’t as dumb as the Democrats think they are and there won’t be many Dems returning to the House after next November.

    Of course, it it heads that direction and becomes obvious that that is probable, then expect some kind of drastic, maybe violently drastic, actions coming from their side.

  5. Let’s see, Madonna said she wanted to kill President Trump and Kathy Griffin held a fake bloody severed head of Trump.

    Have they been indicted for attempted homicide, or is there a double standard? According to this logic, they certainly should be.

    Silly me. How dare I question the left’s right to practice “do as I say, not as I do”.

  6. They just can’t stop digging their own graves. Keep doing it, even liberal Democrats know this is a tantrum and is not going anywhere. They want to run in this in 2020 so be it. This is not how you convince people to put you back into power.

  7. In 2016, right before the election, Hillary threw a women at Trump accusing him of sexual predation in the distant past. It had no effect on his popularity, so she threw another woman at him, again to no effect. So she threw another at him. And another, and another, and another until there were about twenty wronged women screeching in the news. Problem was that none of the claims were credible, many were provably false, and reasonable voters figured that out. Meanwhile Trump hung rapist Bill around Hillary’s neck like an albatross. The rest is history.

    One would assume that the Dems learned that the quantity of accusations does not translate to quality accusations, and that accusing someone of crimes which they had committed was a bad political risk. One would be quite wrong to assume that, so here we go again, same song, second verse, only louder.


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