The Destructiveness of the Liberal Child Mind – IOTW Report

The Destructiveness of the Liberal Child Mind

American Thinker/ By Howard Sachs

One of the very many reasons I would never vote Left (Democrat) is because of the child-like view of the world embraced by those with this ideology.  Children, or adults with childish notions, running the world are a recipe for disaster.  Would any adult with his head even modestly screwed on really want to have a world run by the likes of this disturbed teenager, Greta — the leftist Time Magazine’s person of the year?

This is particularly true in the economic part of our world — a world that deeply impacts each of our lives, every day of the year.  This childishness begins with their utterly naïve belief that government workers and politicians are basically competent, kind, and compassionate, hence deserving great power over each of us.  It sweeps across their foolish and destructive open borders policies, their twisted view that American history does not live up to a utopian view of life, the preposterous notion that a boy or girl in the womb is not a living human being, their cosmically foolish calls to end fossil fuel use, and their suicidal notion that disarming the good guy will help smite evil.

This is why the normative Left calls for giving the vote to our clueless 15- and 16-year-olds like Greta.  They see these young tabula rasa kids as not very different from their 50-year-old unwise selves.  They are children in their views of every topic, particularly regarding creating wealth, money, investments, and business.  “Soak the rich,” they say.  “Free stuff for the masses.”  “Down with disgusting capitalism and profit.”  “Redistribute income” (never distributed in the first place).  It’s why, frighteningly, a large percent of Americans now embrace socialism or communism. read more

6 Comments on The Destructiveness of the Liberal Child Mind

  1. Well, everybody should get free stuff because, well, it’s free!
    So that talk bout “how much is Medicare for all gone cost” is nonsense, cuz it gone be free!
    An free college be free, too! Won’t cost nuthin! Cuz it be free!
    An if we “forgive” debts they just be gone! “Forgiven!” An that won’t cost nuthin, either, cuz there won’t be no more debt!


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