These Former Intelligence Chiefs Fit Perfectly Into Our Media Advocacy Culture – IOTW Report

These Former Intelligence Chiefs Fit Perfectly Into Our Media Advocacy Culture

Daily Signal | VDH:

Former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former CIA Director John Brennan, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper have lots of things in common.

One, they ran the nation’s key intelligence and investigatory agencies under President Barack Obama. They were deeply involved in the “Russian collusion” hoax. And they participated in the surveillance of the Trump campaign and transition.

Comey and McCabe both signed applications for Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court warrants requesting surveillance on Trump campaign aide Carter Page. A report by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz criticized Comey and McCabe’s FBI for falsehoods and misrepresentations during its investigation of the Trump campaign.

Clapper, Brennan, and the FBI helped to disseminate the fallacious Steele dossier to the press and among government agencies.

Two, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, and Clapper have all lied either under oath or in the public sphere.

Horowitz has said that he referred Comey for criminal prosecution for leaking classified memos he wrote about his confidential conversations with the president, but the Justice Department did not pursue charges. He signed FISA warrant applications that the inspector general has determined were misleading at best and at worst simply flat-out wrong.

In testimony before the House Judiciary and Oversight committees, there were 245 occasions on which Comey claimed he couldn’t remember details or couldn’t answer questions. read more

4 Comments on These Former Intelligence Chiefs Fit Perfectly Into Our Media Advocacy Culture

  1. .

    “..British ex-spy Christopher Steele shared more fake conspiracy theories with the FBI than just his infamous Steele dossier …..And then there is the allegation that Trump received “illicit campaign cash from an Azerbaijani family… Like the dossier, the Azerbaijani angle remains unverified. There is no hint of such payments in special counsel Robert Mueller’s report and his team’s two years’ worth of FBI investigating any links between Trump, his allies and Russia.”

    This information was given to Steele, not by a Russian source, but by “two longtime Hillary Clinton operatives and liberal former journalists, Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer.” In other words, Democratic Party / Hillary Clinton operatives were directly involved in the attempt to make Trump look like a Russian stooge.

    That is downright shocking because it shows just how far the Clinton cabal was willing to go to undermine then-candidate, now-President Trump. The worst part? They still continue playing this horrible game. It’s truly sick.”

  2. I say round up all of shrillery’s henchmen and women and propaganda/lying associates, put them in one of our nation’s finest FEMA camps barky oblowme built, throw in a couple of turkey neck and leg bones once a day ans watch the hilarity as they fight each other for their next bite, pay for view would relieve us of the national debt, they all deserve to watch the public hangings daily for those chicken shits who wish to end their misery quickly, weak chinese ropes will continually break and they will have to be hanged numerous times before effective death finally is achieved, pain and misery and the world laughter will echo continuously as they dangle and prolong their agony.


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