WashPost Disputes Claim That The ‘Impossible Whopper’ Will Make Men Grow Breasts – IOTW Report

WashPost Disputes Claim That The ‘Impossible Whopper’ Will Make Men Grow Breasts

Summit News:

Despite containing 18 million times more estrogen than normal beef burger.

The Washington Post published an entire article denying a claim by a veterinarian that Burger King’s new estrogen-packed vegan ‘Impossible Whopper’ could make men grow breasts if they eat too many.

According to James Stangle, a doctor of veterinary medicine in South Dakota, the soy-based Impossible Whopper contains 18 million times more estrogen than the original beef Whopper.

That works out at 44 milligrams of estrogen in the vegan burger compared to just 2.5 nanograms in the original beef Whopper.

“Just six glasses of soy milk per day has enough estrogen to grow boobs on a male,” wrote Stangle. keep reading

20 Comments on WashPost Disputes Claim That The ‘Impossible Whopper’ Will Make Men Grow Breasts

  1. …BUT, if FEMALE consumption results in a THIRD breast growing in, do we get to choose between one in the middle, like in “Total Recall”, or the long-awaited one in the back for ballroom dancing?

    …I mean, their motto DID used to be “HAVE IT YOUR WAY”…

  2. Only imitation people eat imitation hamburger.

    Demonrats – imitation Socialists.
    Socialists – imitation Communists.
    Fags – imitation Women.
    Lesbians – imitation Men.
    Trans-genders – imitation Fags and Lesbians.
    Republicans – imitation Democrats (though lately they’ve given hope).
    Spin – imitation Lie.
    Lie – imitation Truth.
    FISA Judge – imitation “Gatekeeper.”
    FBI – imitation Cops.

    We’re drowning in this shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Tim
    DECEMBER 27, 2019 AT 1:01 PM
    “Only imitation people eat imitation hamburger.

    Demonrats – imitation Socialists.
    Socialists – imitation Communists.
    Fags – imitation Women.
    Lesbians – imitation Men.
    Trans-genders – imitation Fags and Lesbians.
    Republicans – imitation Democrats (though lately they’ve given hope).
    Spin – imitation Lie.
    Lie – imitation Truth.
    FISA Judge – imitation “Gatekeeper.”
    FBI – imitation Cops.

    We’re drowning in this shit.

    izlamo delenda est …”

    …just the devil doing what the devil do…

    25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

    26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:”
    Romans 1:25-26

    …Democrats gotta Dem, after all, sell your soul, pay the toll…

    “44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. ”
    John 8:44

  4. If I was to grow boobs, I’d be rendered worthless to society as all I would do is sit around and fondle my boobs. I really like boobs but always on somebody else.

  5. Here’s some food for thought. Feedlot beef, chicken(even “organic”) and turkey are fed soy based diets. Yathink that shit gets into the flesh? Nawww. Feedlot beef is also packed full of antibiotics because…well lets just say the conditions at Ye Olde Feedlote aren’t the most wholesome.

    And people wonder wonder why sperm counts are down over 50% from just 40 or 50 years ago?

    I avoid unfermented soy like the plague. It’s in every thing and soybean oil has got to be the worst of the worst and it too is in everything.


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