The Swamp seems so nervous lately – IOTW Report

The Swamp seems so nervous lately


Dirty Spooks Concerned About Barr and Durham.

Natasha Bertrand is the stenographer for Fusion-GPS smear activities with a reputation for egregious lying and narrative engineering.  As a result it doesn’t come as a surprise to see Bertrand writing a collaborative article in Politico taking swipes on behalf of a thoroughly corrupted intelligence community.

Consider this paragraph using another vile creature from the political swamp:

[…]  When it comes to Durham, Haspel is likely “confident there has been no serious wrongdoing, and will therefore find a means to cooperate” with the investigation, said John Sipher, a 28-year CIA veteran.

Too funny.  The spooks and scribes live a life so deeply enmeshed in the world of fraud and lying they cannot even see themselves exposing their own character.  Put another way: ‘if Haspel was confident of serious wrongdoing, she wouldn’t cooperate with the investigation’. 

See, they just can’t help exposing themselves. If it wasn’t serious, it would be funny.  These inherently vile liars cannot stop themselves from exposing their nature…. it just flows out.

The good news in the article; and there is a lot of accidentally placed good news within it for those who follow closely; comes from these paragraphs:

5 Comments on The Swamp seems so nervous lately

  1. From the article: “That’s why I’m highly confident President Trump will remove Mike Pompeo after the 2020 election.”

    I don’t get the connection on removing Pompeo? Maybe somebody can provide a story link?

  2. PDT is the boss who has to fill a bunch of positions quickly, but the only place that will allow him to do it quickly is a swampy temp agency full of smelly winos drunk on power.

    He has resigned himself to this situation, and tries to work around it with a few college kids who get stuff done while the bums bitch about the boss, puke on their shoes, leave the back door open after cig breaks, set the dumpster on fire and then call OSHA.

    And DaveVA, I don’t know either, but if Sundance says Pompeo is Swampeo, I’m inclined to believe him.


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