FBI Reportedly Investigating Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell and Others Who ‘Facilitated’ His Behavior – IOTW Report

FBI Reportedly Investigating Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell and Others Who ‘Facilitated’ His Behavior


Attorney General William Barr did not mince words in August regarding the case of Jeffrey Epstein, warning co-conspirators in the wealthy financier’s most recent alleged conspiratorial sex crimes “should not rest easy” in light of his mysterious death in U.S. custody.

Now, it appears Barr’s Department of Justice is giving those potential co-conspirators cause for consternation.

According to a Friday report from Reuters, the FBI has begun a probe into various longtime associates said to have “facilitated” the alleged sex trafficking and engagements with underage women that landed Epstein in jail this past July.

That probe is in its preliminary stages, the outlet reported, but two law enforcement sources familiar with the matter did suggest British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of deceased media mogul Robert Maxwell, is one of the main focuses of the investigation. read more

15 Comments on FBI Reportedly Investigating Epstein Associate Ghislaine Maxwell and Others Who ‘Facilitated’ His Behavior

  1. “Investigate.” Yeah okay whatever.

    Epstein was an intelligence asset used by the deep state to gather blackmail material on the rich and powerful so they could keep it in their hip pocket against future need. The Federal Bureau of Investigation IS the deep state. They’re not “investigating” anything, they’re creating scapegoats to cover their tracks.

  2. Why the rush? She’s been hiding in plain sight since the first investigation of 2005.

    Alas, the wheels of justice grind slowly, for some they come to a complete stop.

  3. Yeah go after the low-hanging fruit.

    The fukkin FBI can’t find the traitors in its own house, so they’re gonna go after some sleazy pimp?

    “Round up the usual suspects!”
    (Captain Renault)

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. C’mon FBI cunts… where are the pre-dawn raids and perp walk of shame for this child-trafficking bitch? I guess that’s only reserved for people on Trump’s campaign team, huh? Fuck the FBI. They won’t investigate shit here. They’ll cover up shit here. I’d rather have the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation run the case. They’re a 1,000 time more honorable and trustworthy than the FB motherfuckin’ I.

  5. Perzactly!
    The ONLY reason this investigation hasn’t progressed as it should have is because of two people:
    Bill Clinton and Prince Andrew.

    BTW, on another note, is there anyone else that remembers in the early goings on about the FBI spying, that Nellie Ohr had a shortwave radio and a license to use it?
    I recall somewhere, sometime, that someone or other stated that she was using a short wave radio, and I thought there was some significance to that, however, I soon forgot all about it.


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