Millions of Americans—Including Men—Will Soon Receive a Separate Insurance Bill for Abortion Coverage – IOTW Report

Millions of Americans—Including Men—Will Soon Receive a Separate Insurance Bill for Abortion Coverage

PJM: When the Obamacare legislation was being debated, opponents argued that because it would require insurance companies to cover abortion services, it was illegal due to the congressional stricture against the government funding abortions.

Indeed, if the insurance coverage was being subsidized by the government, and the government was forcing insurance companies to cover the procedure, the only logical conclusion was that the government was funding abortions.

The Obama administration discovered a “workaround” for the dilemma by requiring insurance companies to itemize their coverage for abortion. It didn’t solve the problem, but it gave cover to Congress in order to pass the ACA.

But many companies never got around to itemizing abortion coverage. To solve that, the Trump administration has now issued a ruling that forces insurance companies to send a separate invoice to the three million Americans who signed up for Obamacare coverage on the exchanges.

Many of those invoices will be going to men, who, of course, will never find a need for abortion coverage.

But the new policy is not without its critics, especially insurance companies, which are grumbling about the increased paperwork. more

13 Comments on Millions of Americans—Including Men—Will Soon Receive a Separate Insurance Bill for Abortion Coverage

  1. All this bs from the same retarded idiots who claim that men can menstruate and have periods and can give birth. I am so glad I don’t have friggin worthless obummercare. At least Medicare for right now doesn’t require paying for abortion services due to the fact that by the time you’re my age you don’t need it unless you knock up a younger woman and selfishly make her abort your unborn child. For us older people they’ll probably force so called death care on us all in the name of saving the planet from overpopulation of old farts like myself. I hate the left and everything it touches.

  2. The insurance industry bitches about more paper work. Hell, that’s how they get paid!…..They are NOTHING more then paperwork processors that drive health care costs UP!!!!…..and actual health care down…..

  3. There is a congressional stricture against the government funding abortions. But it’s not in place to prevent the government from funding abortions: it’s in place so that whenever anyone says “The government is funding abortions!”, they can respond with “There is a congressional stricture against the government funding abortions.”

  4. “To solve that, the Trump administration has now issued a ruling that forces insurance companies to send a separate invoice to the three million Americans who signed up for Obamacare coverage on the exchanges.”

    BRILLIANT. That will sour millions on Obamacare. 🤣

  5. Yeah, and make people pay their gasoline taxes; in cash, separately, at every fill up to give them a better idea of how much they pay.

    And union dues; in cash, once a week.

    And send a check, monthly, for Socialist Security.

    And another check for Mediscam.

    izlamo delenda est …


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