Math, Hairy Armpits, and Sunshine: Things Liberals Claimed Are Racist In ’19 – IOTW Report

Math, Hairy Armpits, and Sunshine: Things Liberals Claimed Are Racist In ’19

Def-Con News– tried this last year and it got flagged so much we had to delete it, but maybe people are less uptight this year. Here are all the things liberal kooks decided are racist in 2019:

Hairy Armpits – Liberal Jezebel reported that women with hairy armpits are sexy, but also racist because it’s mostly white women growing out their pit hair.

Fast Food – Vox explained that it was racist for president Trump to serve fast food to players from Clemson’s National Champion football team.

Air Pollution – USA Today argued that only minorities breath in air pollution so therefore it is racist.

Obama Mask – It took 5 months but liberals finally decided that a teacher wearing an Obama mask for Halloween was racist.

Chocolate Ducks – Yes, chocolate ducks.
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13 Comments on Math, Hairy Armpits, and Sunshine: Things Liberals Claimed Are Racist In ’19

  1. I know why Trump had to serve fast food at the WH that day (his own money, btw), but hey- I would rather eat fast food because I know what it is. I couldn’t deal with someone pushing a plate of goose livers, twice-slapped pheasant and some unknown seafood in front of me. LOL! Honestly. I hate seafood so much.

  2. “White Robots – CNN said that white robots are racist because of course they did.’

    …I had to comment on this at the time, because I have 19 robot arms of varying sizes that I take care of, and all but ONE of them is YELLOW.

    …but, the YELLOW ones come from JAPAN, so what are the Japanese saying here? You’re going to have to ask THEM if this is racist, or simple identification with their creators…

    I have some delta robots too, but these are White bodies with Black arms. Does this make the robots Halfrican like Obama? Nah, unlike HIM, they WORK.
    …although they come from Sweden too, so maybe this is a commentary by the Swedes on THEIR shifting racial demographic due to all the Somali immigrants, so again, you’re going to have to ask some OTHER country if this is racist or not…

    My Motoman arm is grey and blue. Not sure HOW to interpret THAT. But, since these are made in AMERICA, I suppose they’re still racist by default…

    …I have some autonomous guided transportation vehicles too that qualify as “robots” even without arms. They are Silver. Is this racist to horses of the same name? Was there ever more than one? Or are they racist because they are the same color as quarters, and quarters have images of George Washington, known slave owner on them, so does this make them racist by association…

    …never mind, it’s already a settled question.

    They are ALL racist.

    Because EVERYTHING is racist…

  3. MJA DECEMBER 28, 2019 AT 12:46 PM
    “I know why Trump had to serve fast food at the WH that day (his own money, btw), but hey- I would rather eat fast food because I know what it is. I couldn’t deal with someone pushing a plate of goose livers, twice-slapped pheasant and some unknown seafood in front of me. LOL! Honestly. I hate seafood so much.”

    HERE’S how you do a State Dinner for liberals, and no seafood, either…

    (I know, I know, the People of India are also POCs, so this is racist TOO…)


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