NY Illegal Alien Freed After Allegedly Killing Mother of Three on Christmas Eve – IOTW Report

NY Illegal Alien Freed After Allegedly Killing Mother of Three on Christmas Eve

Breitbart: A New York state law that allows accused criminals to be freed from prison the same day they are arrested for violent crimes has freed an illegal alien accused of killing a mother of three on Christmas Eve.

Jorge Flores-Villalba, a 27-year-old illegal alien, according to Assemblyman Colin Schmitt, was arrested after he allegedly admitted to hitting and killing mother of three Marie “Rosie” Osai, who was a legal immigrant from Haiti, in a Christmas Eve crash on Long Island, New York.

“I was driving and I did strike a person,” Flores-Villalba allegedly told law enforcement officials. “I didn’t call the police. I was afraid because I don’t have a license.”

After being charged with felony fleeing the scene of a deadly accident, Flores-Villalba was arraigned and then freed without bail on Christmas day — less than 24 hours after Osai was allegedly killed. more here <– it gets worse.

27 Comments on NY Illegal Alien Freed After Allegedly Killing Mother of Three on Christmas Eve

  1. New York Democrats are nothing more than domestic terrorists.

    The list of crimes for which suspects will be freed from prison before trial includes:

    Second-degree manslaughter
    Aggravated vehicular assault
    Third-degree assault
    Promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child
    Possessing an obscene sexual performance by a child
    Promoting a sexual performance by a child
    Failure to register as a sex offender
    Making terroristic threats
    Criminally negligent homicide
    Aggravated vehicular homicide

  2. In a just society the authorities responsible would be drawn and quartered and displayed as a warning to others with the same contempt for those they view as nothing but mere lab rats put here for them to use as subjects to study in their social experiments

    Make no mistake about it, the message being sent by this is a contemporary adaptation of “let them eat cake.”

  3. They already gave illegals the driver’s license. He killed that woman afterwards.

    Why didn’t he go get one before this happened so she’d still be alive? [I know I know, it hurt me to type the stupid statement.]

    WTG Cuomo!

  4. They got the insane politicians they voted for
    who gave them the laws they deserve.
    When things get this bad you can’t save the ship
    so get out if you don’t like proggy rules,
    just don’t bring that shit with you.

  5. DemocRATs are deliberately setting the table for chaos, anarchy and vigilantes to do what the State refuses to do… and then they’ll step in and take over with Marshal Law. They’re egging on a civil war.

  6. Almost time to start executing politicians and bureaucrats who are this evil to forsake their core responsibility.

    The primary purpose of our government is to maintain law and order, but when they are the problem themselves, then vigilante justice is required.

  7. This cretin and all illegal cretins should be gift wrapped and personally escorted to at all NY politician’s homes with keys in hand. Sharing the problem might actually force these scumbag politicos into behaving responsibly. I said might.

  8. Freeing mass murderers to own the cons. Thanks democrats. You may as well start picking out the light pole we’re gonna hang you motherfuckers from, because it’s on now, bitches.

  9. @MJA – “Why doesn’t the rest of NY secede from NYC?”

    It will, give it time. Even then? It will be balkanized.

    But in a good way. There will be plenty of red in between Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany and NYC.


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