Deval Patrick(D) doesn’t make Michigan’s primary ballot – IOTW Report

Deval Patrick(D) doesn’t make Michigan’s primary ballot

Detroit News:

Delta Township — Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick won’t appear on Michigan’s presidential primary ballot under a decision from the Board of State Canvassers on Friday morning.

The board unanimously agreed with a report from the Michigan Department of State that found Patrick, a Democratic candidate, failed to submit enough valid petition signatures to qualify for the state’s March 10 primary ballot.

Sally Williams, Michigan elections director, said Patrick’s signatures fell “well short” of the required number even before state officials checked whether those who signed the petitions were registered voters.

“There was no need for us to move onto the voter registration checks,” Williams said.

Patrick launched his campaign for president on Nov. 14 after Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson had already submitted lists of candidates for Michigan’s ballot. read more

13 Comments on Deval Patrick(D) doesn’t make Michigan’s primary ballot

  1. How long do you figure it will be to take Stacey Abrams to say that Michigan Elections Director Sally Williams is a racist and is holding back blacks from running for President because she is a privileged white women? Of course Mrs. Williams is retiring on December 31st and couldn’t help herself of course in denying Deval Patrick a chance to be President. Oh the humanity of it all……


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