California School Children Won’t Be Suspended for Disobeying Teachers – IOTW Report

California School Children Won’t Be Suspended for Disobeying Teachers

PJM |A new California law that takes effect in 2020 will make it illegal to suspend a student in grades 1-5 for disobeying teachers or administrators. Starting next year, the rule will be applied to students in grades 6-8 and will include charter schools.

There’s a very good reason for this change, according to supporters. It’s because of racism, you see. More little black kids are punished for disobeying teachers than little white kids. Naturally, there’s only one possible explanation, to the exclusion of all others.

Whitey has it in for black children.

20 Comments on California School Children Won’t Be Suspended for Disobeying Teachers

  1. Suspensions were already limited for special ed kids, then Obama strongarmed schools into doing the same for all black kids (the Dear Colleague letter). Be assured that they’re fully aware that black students disproportionately disobey teachers and administrators. They know it very well.

    If you want to know who rules over you, just look around and identify who cannot be punished by the same rules that apply to everyone else.

  2. This is the first steps toward what is happening in South Africa, where whites are having their property taken away (if they are lucky) and their lives taken away from them if they aren’t. And the world turns and looks away.

  3. 3 for 1 SPECIAL back in MY day!

    You went to the principal’s office, and got a paddlin’ (NOTE: I only screwed up this badly TWICE in grade school – ONCE in elementary school, ONCE in Jr. High!).

    The school has ALREADY called the house BEFORE I get home, some mom gives me a paddlin’.

    And she’s ALREADY called dad BEFORE I got home, so when he gets home from work, HE gives me a paddlin’! 3 for 1 SPECIAL!

    Of course, I guess it would be hard to get a paddlin’ FROM “dad” these days. There’s only “suspects”… 😳

  4. I said this before but my dad still talks about Jesse Jackson’s blockbusting tactic, from back when Dad worked in Gary at the steel mill. This assault on us isn’t so much because we’re white…that’s just one handy angle of attack, like blockbusting. The real target is the middle class, which global communism is set on destroying, and the middle class just happens to be predominantly white.

  5. …look at THIS, if you want to see where this came from, and how long it’s been around…

    …sick, twisted excuse-making right there, genetic theories that would do the Klan proud and the very antithesis of ALL the arguments made during the so-called Civil Rights era.

    …My son had to put up with this until we yanked him out of his public gulag. Any Black child could assault HIM, but HE could never fight back for any reason, even got in trouble ones in kindergarten…IN KINDERGARTEN…for saying that a tree root looked like a “Black Foot” (it did). I’m told all the Black children gasped at this White child commenting on something looking like it was part of a sacred Black body, so the teacher took him aside and told him where he went wrong.

    …And we told him, and the school, he went wrong NOWHERE.

    It was the beginning of a very contentious, lawyer-filled years-long failed relationship which had little to do with actual education (I particularly liked the grade school teacher handing out the Obama fans, and the 23 year old Black female teacher that had “bangin’ grammer lessons [actually SAID that on a SYLLABUS] which may have been literal with some students because she later had some at home for “extra” lessons [not my son] that got her sent to another school without comment, and we pulled him out of her class way before that ANYWAY [the “Bangin’ thing from a supposed ENGLISH teacher was too much…]) that ended in a messy, expensive divorce, but there’s no way to harm the school, they just make any payments with taxpayer money, call you a racist, and move on…

    …The Black kids also locked down the basketball program, too. They made it clear to the White kids that it was a Black sport, and that any White child who attempted to get in would get beat. The school denied this, of course, but also refused to investigate it, OR discuss why the basketball program was 100% Black, because that would be racist, or something.

    I grew up in a world where forced bussing was just gettinng started. My wife, who didn’t grow up in great circumstances, was forced out of school because they bussed her to a school far from her home where she was one of a handful of White children, and the Black children were NOT fond of them, and made that VERY clear
    …and of course, the school would not back off of it because that would be admitting that BAD things happened due to liberalism, and her folks didn’t have private school money, so off to the land of GED we go, at what benefit to society I have no idea…

    …so, this ain’t new. They’re just being more honest about it. This is like when kids go to see what they can get away with, but on a political level.

    …turns out that they can get away with a LOT…

  6. Anonymous DECEMBER 29, 2019 AT 12:04 PM
    “Maybe they should try this approach for “youths” at mall riots as well?”

    …I used to be invited into the aftermath of cranky 14 year old riots by dint of my Squad service at one of the largest malls in the world at the time, back when that was a thing, and that wasn’t pretty even back in the ’80s. Seems folks thought the mall would provide babysitters and things, so they’d drop ’em off and let ’em roam the food court and entertainment areas with no money and in packs with their friends, so what could possibly go wrong?

    The mall marines did what they could, they weren’t beaten down at this stage of the game, but too often the police agencies of BOTH the neighboring cities AND the neighboring counties would have to respond to break up what could be dozens of marauding 8th graders, who didn’t really know how to maraud but demonstrated a willingness to learn. As a consequence there weren’t a lot of serious injuries, but plenty of stomped limbs, broken glass cuts, and bruises and bumps from ill-planned encounters with law enforcement, as well as the very memorable time someone unleashed their daddy’s filched Mace container over the ENTIRE area, so lots of runny eyes and noses from gasping children to contend with all at once, so THAT was fun.

    It’s WORSE now.

    Those kids grew up, have their OWN kids, and they have the WONDERFUL social media tools so they can be invited to create a massive rugby scrum at a moment’s notice now, although since YEARS of this have killed MOST of the big malls and it almost ALWAYS is protected yoots, it doesn’t get the media play it once did, although the local officials do have to explain their “Stay Away” tweets from time to time. We just had one around here, and they weren’t afraid to punch on the Police, either.

    ..if you read the article, they flooded the mall with large groups at the same time so they couldn’t be controlled or turned around by the half-dozen mall cops, and there was quite a bit of stealing that wasn’t documented here either because, racism, or something, and you’ll notice that the charges are ALL low-level stuff and ain’t NO one in detention TODAY as a result.

    Usual pattern is that the kids don’t show at their hearing, the courts shrug because, Black, and all is forgotten until the NEXT riot…

    …this will be a self-limiting problem because it will eventually end ALL the malls.

    I guess the kids will just be roaming the neighborhoods in packs of 30 or 40 after that, so something to look forward to…

    …if you want to see what this does to malls, search for “Dead Mall” videos on the Interwebs. There’s LOTS of them, and ALL die of this common theme.

    Here’s a starter one that’s pretty good.

    And I DON’T see this getting BETTER…

  7. The left is cementing the deal to raise the final generation of a free America. The animals coming up will be doing the left’s political killings.

    The law also gives students days to go protest.

    The plot of genicide is right in our faces.

  8. This will help them grow up to be like the kids in the Bronx and kill some guy for a dollar. Stupid is, as stupid does. Let California be an example, of all that fails.

  9. This is how you create resentment (understandable) against the precious PoCs. You’d almost think the “best & brightest” were doing this, knowing what the results will be.

    I’m so glad I grew up in the “turbulent” 60s & 70s where blacks (my family) and whites actually lived next door to each other and got along. I fear for my grandchildren who are beginning to attend public school.

    At least one set of the grandkids’ parents are seriously considering homeschooling.

  10. Domestic terrorist Bill Ayers admitted decades ago, he’d have to settle for an evolution, rather than a revolution. The age is THE critical part of the recipe. There are only 2 kinds of people. There are those who love, desire and cherish the Truth and those who prefer the fog of perception. The biggest mistake the west makes is not listening to their enemies. Believe them.

  11. Public schools should still be allowed to hack the little or big bullying bastards till they cry uncle and then expel them permanently. It worked when I was growing up and would still work now and maybe teach the creeps some discipline and respect for others.


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